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Everything posted by przybysz86

  1. PM me - it looks like you have problem with relative placement of CoM and CoL (centre of mass and centre of lift) this is not caused by RP-0 so let's not clutter this thread I had issues in 1.16.1 and have them now after updating (via ckan) today to 1.16.2 BTW for easy comparison related to the RP-0 issue I attach my .ckan. All mods up to date (as per ckan) at this very moment: https://app.box.com/s/evfytyc27l0yqa3c9lddbmvp4pffh2id
  2. Maybe you can provide .ckan with mods installed - we can compare and see what is the common part. Maybe this will help. My mod list should be in log but I can provide .ckan tomorrow.
  3. Forcing contracts didn't help. Log: https://app.box.com/s/zwxrerdjxapd9211mw1gnhrzhb2v6cys
  4. Hi Guys, I seem to have problem with RP-0. I've reinstalled my KSP and istalled all the mods I had (exported into .ckan and reimported also using CKAN) and everything is fine but ... I do not see any contract. Looks like they are all inactive: Available and Active tabs are totally empty. I've pinpointed that RP-0 is a weak link. Without RP-0 all works fine - I see all the default contracts for the KSP but when I install RP-0 I see this. AS far as I can tell they are there but are not offered to me. Maybe something is broken with requirements but I am not an expert enough to know where to look Any ideas?
  5. Hi guys - please add in CKAN indication that RO is not compatible with tweakscale. There is no such information and it took me few hours to pinpoint the problem. Especially since tweakscale is popular requirement for some other mods. CKAN handles incompatibility quite nice so why not use it
  6. alternate config for the engine would be requires but totally possible. Problem is that if engine was not used with particular fuel type it would be hard to estimate stats like thrust and ISP. and RO is all about realism. If you have some basic programming skill you can check configs, copy-paste existing config from existing engine and modify it to run on fuel you want and put the statistics you estimate it should have.
  7. RO as a mod was published under open license that prevent Squad from taking profit from it. All they can do is assigning some of their resources to help keep it compatible with future versions of KSP. Basically what I am saying is that they should assign officially some man-hours to Nathan to work on RO. I know he will do it anyway but wouldn't he feel great if he get paid for the work instead of using his free time? Also those assignments are only required after KSP update that can render RO incompatible. Why RO of all the mods? Because it pushes the envelope. With little effort it transforms KSP from a nice toy to an educational sandbox tool.
  8. Or make RO official mod as it was with Asteroid Day. Then put some staff onto it as part of "paid" hours and voila - most of the work is already done. All they have to do is pay guys like @NathanKell for helping here or rather let hm spend 1 day a week on mods - which btw are also reason why people buy this game
  9. I am not suggesting ditching the current mode. I've played it initially and learned a lot from it. My stock experience then pushed me into RO. I am not satying about RSS etc. the small Kerbin system will do. I am just talking about adding stuff like ullage or life support from RO to stock as an option. Things like limited restarts or weaker SAS will not really require much effort to get implemented. RO gets hard when you combine them all + add thins like remote tech, and RSS. Especially RSS increases difficulty as you really need to be precise with your launches as there is not much delta-v to spare usually. But as long as there is RO mod I'm fine That's why I would like core RO implemented as option in KSP Stock - you can but you don't have to use it. Default setting will remain current stock KSP but KSP will open itself to more demanding players and it will be one less mod to install for many guys like me who bought KSP mainly to play RO.
  10. Why not make RO as "hardcore" mode for KSP stock? I mean not everything but mechanism like ullage, limited restarts, restricted SAS, TAC life support, Remote Tech, Scan Sat can easily be added and would be appreciated. Rest like RSS, RP-0,or various part packs (FASA, etc) can be then added as mods but RO core would be there
  11. heavily modded game (100+ mods including RSS) gets me on linux to 14-15G but I only have 8G so rest happily sits in swapfile. Game loads longer here and there but it works. Not sure about windows but I assume it can do similar tricks. Will give it a try as soon as RO is 1.1 compatible
  12. I had the same when there was conflict with one of the modes (surprisingly unrelated to fuels) but I cant remember now which one. But certainly try like this: -install stock KSP + RO with only "required" mods, and try (should be fine) -install RSS and RP-0 if you want and try should be ok -install rest of the mods in batches of 5 and try after each batch. When you identify where is the isue install mods from that batch 1 by 1 and try.
  13. For me it's even worse - after trying RO+RSS+RP0 I no longer enjoy playing stock KSP as much. As someone said comparing stock and RO: -Stock KSP - why isn't there already manned base on Mars? -RO+RSS+RP0 - how the hell they put that Sputnik on the orbit? RO Team: if you need help testing, etc. I can help next week. I have rudimentary understanding of cfg files - I did some simple debugging and fixing of inter-mod compatibility in the past for my own use.
  14. that is correct RSS can be installed on stock KSP and will just replace Kerbal planetary system with bigger (real size) solar system Not sure if RP0 works stand-alone or if it requires RO. Most likely it do need it.
  15. Don't get me wrong - I fully appreciate your work and I understand you do it as part of your free time. I do not expect this to happen over a day or so - just curious if you already have some time horizon As for now: soon tm
  16. Sorry if I missed the answer but - when can we expect RO to be 1.1 compatible
  17. Let me start with much appreciation for your work and I fully understand that with 1.1 over the horizon there is no point in making it 1.0.5 compatible -I assume if this was a quick fix you'd have done it long time ago Let's wait for 1.1 then
  18. I would also like to see it in 1.0.5 if possible. Life is not the same without it. I am anti-spacejunk purist and I hate my 1st stages floating around endlessly at v.LEO/LKO. Also without this mod maintaining space stations is less of a challenge.
  19. kspstuff.com redirects to spacedock so I guess it's a safe bet they will be connected if not the same
  20. ok - forgot about personal data. It makes perfect sense
  21. My understanding is that all mods from KS are on torrent now and source code is available so it should be possible to get everything back EDIT: Have you thought that instead hosting mod files for people to download you will just make KS-like mod database with links to github? It will cut much on storage and transfer.
  22. @SirCmpwn I am with all those that feel guilty for not showing support - for me KS was the place to go for mods (all 103* of them) and it will be missed. I hope that spacedock will be the real deal. I cannot live with curse for some reason. I know it works but it's personal - for me it's unnatural. As said - best wishes to SD team - really looking forward to it. *at the moment
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