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Watson Newton

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Everything posted by Watson Newton

  1. Well, they are, BUT, all of them are in a zip file
  2. Hi! For some strange reason, the Kerbal planetary base systems isn't working for me. I am downloading the 1.05, I got 1.05 KSP, put the file in Game data, but still, it isn't working Any help on this would be great
  3. Hey, thanks for the advice, all of my mods are in date, and no conflict on each other, but on Curse it has that category on the left, I was wondering if you can only have one mod per category? Like 2 Gameplay mods ect. Does it work on MAC OS X?
  4. Hi, I`ve learned how to install mods lately, but some of them don't work. When you think of a "mod that doesn't work" you're problably thinking of a computer crash, a game meltdown ect. Me and my mods have been getting along, but, some of them don't actually show up in the game, like the mod where you can build bases on Duna or other planets. When those mods don't show up, they start producing random module manager things in my GameData and then it starts to say that Mechjeb is not working and will not function properly. Its really driving me nuts right now(and KSP), have any of you got any advice? Please
  5. I keep puting the communatron-88 on rockets but it does not work.
  6. The data thing and the transmitting, The Game keeps telling me I need a comms thing, I don't know what that is
  7. English is my second language, and as I speak i have to go to google translator every 5 seconds, SO ANNOYING
  8. Hey Thanks, I Was using a Mac OS X Magic Wireless thingy, Mouse there we go! and i did not have a right click or a scroll thing
  9. Hi, KSP Is an amazing game as you know all for sure, But, I think Its past was better Than now. I Mean, When you look back on youtube Videos of people that played KSP in the past, It was a lot better. Lets take ThorLP as an example, i wondered how he got data From EVAs or The MysteryGoo, I tried transferring the data By right clicking Kerbels While EVAing But it did not work, But I think, Yes, It might have caused game crashes and yes, It was difficult to manurer ( Near impossible ) to manuver a Rocket, But, Its got That hardcore felling to it. If I am In anyway wrong Please Tell Me , I've got a mac OS X with a retina 27 inch screen, And I've been playing this game for 3 days, I Know I'm a noob
  10. Hi, KSP Is an amazing game as you know all for sure, But, I think Its past was better Than now. I Mean, When you look back on youtube Videos of people that played KSP in the past, It was a lot better. Lets take ThorLP as an example, i wondered how he got data From EVAs or The MysteryGoo, I tried transferring the data By right clicking Kerbels While EVAing But it did not work, But I think, Yes, It might have caused game crashes and yes, It was difficult to manurer ( Near impossible ) to manuver a Rocket, But, Its got That hardcore felling to it.
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