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  1. I accepted 3 contracts. I went from Kerbin > Sun > Eve > Gilly > Eve > Sun > Duna > Ike > Duna > Sun > Dres > Sun Now I was on my way to Jool to complete the last parts, and somewhere on the trip the entire list reset itself and is saying I never flew by the previous planets/moons. Whats up with this? -edit- Nevermind, while writing this the previous planets/moon ticked themselves. Odd.
  2. I checked my log file and it seems to have reset itself once I restarted the game, currently it's only 200kb~ And don't forget inclination
  3. Post the ship file here, I'll rebuild it and make it fly. You can then study the changes I made to help future ambitions of space travel (usually located here - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\*SAVE GAME NAME*\Ships\VAB)
  4. I guessed the orbit and completed the contract. Though no idea why the orbit didn't show up in map view, first time this has happened.
  5. I just accepted 6 satellite contracts, 2 for Mun, 2 for Minmus and 2 for Kerbin. The 2 on both Mun and Minmus show up fine when I focus view on them. One of the Kerbin ones, which was the first I completed, showed up fine as well. But the 2nd Kerbin contract doesn't show the required orbit. It's an equatorial orbit at about 2 million metres outside of Mun's orbit (13kk), but nothing is there. Currently I am in a polar orbit of Kerbin, switching focus between my vessel and Kerbin does nothing, still invisible. Should I just guess the orbit and hope that it shows up when I get closer?
  6. 0.625m parts = meters or mass? Using numerical digits with an m after usually means measure of distance (height, width etc) and I can't see anything like this while choosing parts. Am I missing something? Also this challenge seems incredibly easy.
  7. I'll be adding a heap of boosters for lifting to help the liquid fuel rockets save dv, and these rockets you see now will be used to lift and transfer to the mun. His head consists of: (Head) Mobile processing lab, (eyes) 2x orange round fuel tanks, (eyes) 2x docking ports, (nose) 1x electric battery (400 charge), (mouth) 5x photovoltaic panels -edit- and a reaction wheel on top of his head. Has trouble turning without it lol..
  8. Well, here is the start of my entry - I'll upload full pictures and 2 videos of landings later on when I'm comfortable that it won't explode mid flight. First part: The man Second part: His house (yes, i'm lifting an entire house with 2.5k+ parts into space)
  9. Totally disagree here, sorry. The game should be about having fun and building crazy stuff, not creating/completing a challenge designed to be annoyingly meticulous. Every single person here has landed on the mun in all sorts of rockets, I'm sure most of us are over it. We know how to do it, it's just not fun doing it. MechJeb gives us the opportunity to enjoy the game still. I'll attempt to land mine without it, but as soon as I start getting frustrated my entry will have mechjab.
  10. I have deleted the ship now, but can explain what it looked like It had 16 terriers not 12, my bad. I was going for the 'Mun Crusader Challenge", and my ship was basically a square box with crazy random stuff on it, the outsides were lined with multi-point connectors (5x5x5x5) to form the box shape. And below them were terriers, I chose them so I the landing gear could actually touch the mun, other engines are far too long.
  11. How do I do this? For example I have 12 terrier engines, each was placed individually and all go off at the same stage. Because they were placed individually they each get an icon in the stage, am I able to group all 12 together to show a single icon?
  12. Since he used google translate, I assume 'back up' here means loading the quicksave with F9 - 'backing up/reversing to last save'. @EvilTeck is it happening with all games or just one? If it's just the one, double check your craft has battery power.
  13. I don't understand what you're saying lol. Almost every single player game I've played has this feature. And I cannot find this information on steam anywhere, only thing steam says is last time you played KSP at all (not each saved game). I'll give you a picture as an example..
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