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Posts posted by Gardevoir11

  1. Quote

    Jeg skal aldri gå med ring ikke faen hvis jeg finner ei dame jeg vil være sammen med sånn på ordentlig ikke bare på fest eller noen uker om sommeren så er det nok at hun sier at hun er glad i meg hun kan gå med så mange ringer hun bare vil hun skal til og med få en dyr en i en sånn liten svart eske men jeg nei jeg går ikke med ring jeg ville bare se femi ut ring er nummeret før jeg fikk tørkle i halsen rødstripete skjorte og sånne sko som må pusses hele tida

    From some things in school


  2. I name them most of them about what it is for or what it is like:

    Plane 4

    Fighter jet VTOL

    Microbase 1

    Microbase 1 ISRU

    And some others have "normal" names like:

    Taco escape pod

    SharkSub 1

    More crap (Yes even that)

    And last but not least:

    Untitled Space Craft

  3. Yea... This challenge is about building a mini KSC...

    Just build one. 

    It must not be an exact copy of it, but build what you can.

    Some tips:

    R&D= science labs 

    VAB= upwards Mk3 cargo bay

    Launchpad= four flags in a square

    Runway= ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

    SPH= horizontal Mk3 cargo bay with ramp

    Tanks= fuel

    Tracking station= Relay antennas with remote control point.

    Astronaut complex= Mk3 crew cabin

    Mission control= I don't know.

    Administration building= ↑↑↑↑

    And please post pics (not mandatory)

  4. Land a mothership!

    Just land one, on Gilly, Duna, Eeloo or whatever.

    Just land it!

    And post pics. (Not necessary, but please post pics)

    Will add a badge soon!:cool: (If I can)

    What counts as a mothership:

    Something bigger than a Jumbo 64 tank.

    Min. mass full: 30t.

  5. On 14.6.2016 at 1:30 AM, cubinator said:

    Speaking of which, on some flights I like to make a separate quicksave on the launchpad, so I can use it as a "Revert to Launch" if something goes wrong and I can no longer revert.


    On 15.6.2016 at 7:36 PM, SSgt Baloo said:

    When I use the inflatable heat-shield, I like roof-mounting it with an inverted decoupler, That way I can jettison it after it's slowed me down enough to suit me, but before I deploy the main chutes. Mounting it beneath the pod can make for an unstable reentry machine that can sometimes start tumbling uncontrollably before you're ready to deploy the main chutes.

    All of the heatshields can be set to decouple in staging or decoupling with right click

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