I'm getting this problem too. I've found that tinkering with the Scattering Exposure can help. It starts at 0.23, try something like 0.005 and then adjust up/down to your taste.
Also be aware of the config points up at the top of the settings - Kerbin has different config points for zero, 1000 and 250,000 altitudes. I dialed down the opacity at 250,000, but when I was flying at 80,000, it was still all white & pearly because I hadn't edited the 1000 config point.
I hope that helps. I also increased the Extinction tint a bit to breath a bit more colour back into the world. My next task is to figure out how to save the settings! The buttons don't seem to be doing the trick, so it might be a matter of editing the config files once one works out what looks nice.