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Everything posted by Joeybafoey

  1. I can't decide if I think it's terrifying or inspiring that no one needs that image to have a caption to know the exact verbiage that would follow if you were to say it explicitly.
  2. You had the opportunity and you missed it. I thought you were better than this
  3. ***wipes anxious sweat off of brow*** Thank god! I hate them too. I don't see the point in making the DLC if mods for these things already exist*. I also hope this doesn't mean that from now on, the releases are only going to bring parts and features to those who are willing to pay. *Actually I do... it's money $$$$
  4. Will the Mission Building be part of the Making History or nah? Do those of us who are L1 English speakers have anything to look forward to in the next update?
  5. I found the following quote, here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/157802-ksp-making-history/& As I recall, we had the discussion about the new part textures and how they might affect future development a while back, but back then we didn't know about the possibility that different variations of your parts may be in future versions of the game, which leaves me with one question: If there is a Soyuz included in the upcoming update, will you continue to have the Tantares version as well, change the textures of the parts to match the new stockalike, or neither, both, or something else? EDIT: It's a paid DLC apparently.
  6. It was actually just Voskhod that lacked any LES mechanism, Vostok would eject like during landing (that's what the hole in the fairing was meant for)
  7. Maybe "Nedelin". It gives off vibes of exploding things to well-read space nerds.
  8. Just curious, what's next on the roadmap after Soyuz? The station parts?
  9. Again: considering the N-1 was just revamped, it doesn;t make a great deal of sense to go back in less than a week or two after release and redo the scales. If that needs to be done, it should be done in the future.
  10. The Soyuz spacecraft and lifter being 1.5 m doesn't fit with the N-1 though, and considering he just finished revamping the N-1, it doesn't seem like a good move right now to change that.
  11. Interesting idea related to Soyuz: maybe create a variant of the strapons that is thinner so six can fit around the central Soyuz tank with a central nuclear engine in the center: then you have YaKhR. Though not many resources exist on the whether or not this is true, in concept drawings it looks like the central tank is just a straight, longer variant of the central tank for the standard Soyuz. More info: http://www.astronautix.com/y/yakhr-2.html Staging would be set up as the strapons igniting first and, upon burnout, the nuclear one igniting.
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