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Everything posted by Terráqueo

  1. Thanks for replying. I tried this before, and even tried a fresh MM download now, but I have no result. As I cited previously, the problem seems to be relationed with the "PartDatabase" file, because when I uninstall MM and replace the PD file (after opening KSP with MM) by another file from a fresh install, the problem disappears, I'm using the stock aerodynamics, because FAR is crashing the game. This issue beginned with the new aerodynamics, I remember it since the KSP's 1.02 version, and MM automatically sets to zero the "cube" option of many parts in the "PartDatabase" file. Is that "set to zero" normal or is just happening with me? EDIT: I tried to install the MM 2.5.13 in a fresh KSP install in another directory, and the same thing is happening: the option "cube" is set to zero in many parts and there is not drag.
  2. Greetings, sarbian. I hope you can understand this text, I don't speak English very well. There's an issue in my 1.05 (1028) KSP with the Module Manager (yes, I updated it to the 2.6.16 version, but it persists), is simply this: the atmospheric drag no more works, is like if Kerbin wouldn't have an atmosphere. The reentry effects are visible, but no drag is produced. I done some tests, and it's seems to be related with the "PartDatabase" file. When I install MM and run the game, the size of the file decreases from 123 kB to 78 kB, I compared the smaller with the bigger and original file, that is in a different folder, and discovered that in the option "cube" that is in every part, many numbers of many parts are set to zero. I even tried to replace the files, but the game automatically undoes it. Here are the game logs (if necessary) and the "PartDatabase" files (with MM and without MM), respectively: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7bugr6u1bktj6m/output_log.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dg92vhr1h9kpplw/PartDatabase%20%28with%20MM%29.cfg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/uuliquidqvufgpb23/PartDatabase%20%28without%20MM%29.cfg?dl=0
  3. Hello, guys. I'm new in the forum, but I play KSP since the version 0.23. Sorry if my English be not so good, I'm Brazilian. Ok, let's go: I have a little, but annoying issue in the game since version 1.02, simply, when I install a mod (in this case, were Stock Part Revamp, FASA or Tantares, only one of each, because the game crashes when I install every), the atmospheric drag disappears. Yes, is in the stock aerodynamics. Is like if Kerbin wouldn't have an atmosphere. Apparently, it happens totally when the craft is a Command Pod/Cockpit without a fuel tank and engine, because when I tried the reentry of an Apollo 11 style mission, the craft slowed just when the "service module" was attached to the Mk1-2 Pod, without the tank and engine, the craft continued accelerating to an escape trajectory. The reentry effects are visible, but there is no deceleration. So, I uninstalled the game and deleted the game folders and reinstalled it. Recently, using the 1.05 (1028) I installed the Dynamic Texture Loader and Outer Planets, and the same issue appeared with OPM, I tested a small craft, and there was no drag. Curiously, the issue seems to happen just with a mod that uses Module Manager, because it just appeared when I installed OPM. My notebook has 4 Gb of RAM memory, 32 bit Windows 7, and don't have graphics card. Anyone has the same problem? Or have any idea of why this issue happens?
  4. Não acontece no jogo stock, é só eu colocar algum mod. Ao que me parece, está relacionado ao Module Manager, pois o Dynamic Texture Loader não causa isso, e não usa o MM. Mas OK, apesar de eu não falar inglês fluentemente, acho que consigo me comunicar de forma escrita satisfatoriamente, obrigado.
  5. Obrigado, @Tetrids. Meu notebook tem 4 Gb de RAM, Windows 7 de 32 bits, mas não tem placa de vídeo. Não estou usando FAR, na verdade, quando tentei instalá-lo para testar se o problema ia persistir, o jogo travou, o curioso é que ele nem sequer havia chegado ao "limite de travamento" (quando está por volta de 2,3-2,4 Gb no gerenciador de tarefas). É algo bem chato, e parece só funcionar completamente com um Command Pod/Cockpit, tanto que testei uma reentrada de uma missão no estilo Apollo, com o "módulo de serviço" ainda conectado, e a nave desacelerou até entrar em uma trajetória parabólica, e aí abri os para-quedas, mas não funcionaram, tanto os principais quanto os "drogues", aí tive que pousar com o motor da nave. O mesmo não ocorreu quando tentei pousar sem o tanque e o motor, os efeitos da reentrada são visíveis, mas a nave continua acelerando normalmente.
  6. Olá, sou novo por aqui, mas já jogo KSP desde 2014, então, um problema vem acontecendo comigo desde a versão 1.02, em que quando coloco alguns mods (no caso, era o Stock Part Revamp, Tantares ou FASA, pois meu computador não aguenta todos de uma vez), simplesmente o arrasto(drag) deixa de funcionar, como se Kerbin não tivesse atmosfera, transformando os para-quedas em peso morto. Eu até gosto do jogo stock, mas recentemente tentei colocar o mod Flight Manager for Reusable Stages na versão 1.05, e aí voltou isso, então desinstalei, deletei os arquivos e reinstalei, mas foi só colocar o OPM que voltou. Curiosamente, aquele mod Dynamic Texture Loader não causa isso. Alguém sabe o que está acontecendo, ou já teve o mesmo problema?
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