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  1. Perfect, thank you! As a followup, what would then be the point of the mobile processing lab? Missions where there is no return capability planned?
  2. Hi! I'm pretty new to KSP and just made my first Mun landing. I'm afraid, however, that I may have made a bit of a mistake here. I'm playing career mode and have been really starved for science points. My lander module was equipped with a lot of instruments and I took readings when I landed. I have a good deal of science stored however transmitting it only offers me 25-30% of its potential value. The lander itself is not designed for reentry to Kerbin. I sent it to the moon and am taking it back on a payload, which is just a large engine with a lot of fuel tanks with which I dock. This is not designed for reentry either. However the payload does have additional docking ports, and I planned to launch an escape pod module to dock with the payload and bring my crew back home. From what I've read, however, I won't be able to transmit all this scientific data to the escape pod. So I have ~200 science worth of points sitting on the lander module and no way to get anything from it without transmitting and surrendering 150 of those points. Is there a way for me to retrieve these science points? I looked into the mobile processing lab but I'm not 100% sure if it will do what I'd like here. I can however launch one and dock with the lander/payload module if that would help.
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