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  1. Whatever do you mean? Here's a little clip of the Kazzelblad 500 camera and it's filter in action around Ike (sorry for the gfycat compression), for those that might stumble upon this without understanding how cool the filters were in the 1.0.5 compatible version of Hullcam VDS and might have the desire to patch the filters for 1.1.3 . Using the camera's on unmanned missions made for great screenshots and gave missions an "authentic" feel.
  2. Bumping to say that I really appreciate the work that @Albert VDS put into this mod and that I look forward to it being updated to be compatible with current version KSP. I also want to thank @N1njawarrior for the unofficial patch he released restoring basic functionality to the mod. I've been lurking around this thread for a while and figured I would share an animation made using one of my favorite Hullcam VDS cameras (filters), the Kassleblad 500, so that those unfamiliar with the mod can see what it looked like in action circa 1.0.5: There and Back Again
  3. HullCam VDS is glitchy and breaks COM camera focus. A temporary patch was uploaded by community member @N1njawarrior on May 10; the patch eliminates the aforementioned issues at the cost of Hullcam VDS no longer supporting camera filters (docking, black and white TV, nightvision, etc.) as @N1njawarrior was unsure of the proper implementation of the filters due to not having previously used Hullcam VDS in it's unbroken state.
  4. @Speadge I am running a Powercolor PCS+ r9 290 at it's "stock" speeds with the latest Crimson drivers. Interesting if this is just an AMD problem. I am able to replicate the results using the -force opengl, d3d9, d3d11 flags. @maseo I'll start poking around with the Scatterer files and report back if I can find a workaround. Thanks. On a side note: I notice that sometimes I get an invalid/missing part on save load notice about USI parts when switching between -force flags. I'm usually able to fix it by uninstalling->reinstalling the suspect mods using CKAN. I chalk that up to the quirkiness of the Win64 workaround, as I don't see anything in the log files to indicate what is going wrong. Thanks for the replies.
  5. Hi there - first, I wanted to say to @Proot that I love the mod and am glad that you've continued development! With the full disclosure that I am using the Win64 workaround for 1.0.5, I wanted to ask if anyone else is getting jagged/blocky shadow rendering around the edge of planets with this latest release. If you look at the upper right of the image below, you can see what I'm talking about. As I orbit the planet, the blocks constantly appear/disappear along the horizon of the planet as if this is an intended behavior and the responsible texture is just rendering at too low of a resolution to properly "hide" along the edge. Along with KSPRC, I am using Distant Object Enhancement and manual updates of PlanetShine and Scatterer (in an attempt to fix the issue). I don't mind getting my hands dirty, I'm just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance and my apologies if I've overlooked the solution in my browsing of other pages in this thread.
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