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Everything posted by Amavios

  1. Thanks for that ! I was sure I was needed more air to fly higher, I'm trying it !
  2. Badly, I've got a poor computer, and mods are making my fps go down as hell... Otherwise, it can carry 3 FL-T800 tanks in the bay and fly correctly. I tried to put some pylons, but the only place is the big wing, which is far at the rear, and anything that you add makes the CoM go back, and it results in a more unstable craft, and I doesn't like the look of it... So, I won't be making modded versions, but you can do whatever you want with it and post the result here ! For the guns, maybe you can put some in the bay. You'll have to open it to fire. Thanks for the feedback !
  3. Hi ! I managed to make it fly at 24km but it's not optimum. For the ordnance, I'm going to test it haha and for the pylons, in my idea the ordnance should be only contained in the bay, but I'm sure you can put some. I'll try it and tell you!
  4. Hello ! This is my newest craft ! It's an upgrade of my other craft called MAA-Apollon. This one is simpler, lighter and has a bigger fuel capacity. It has 4 breaking chute that will help a lot with short landings. However, it can easily land on the two runways ! I've found that the cruise altitude is around 19km, but maybe I am wrong... Anyway, if you have any suggestion to upgrade it, to make it fly faster, or higher, I'll be happy ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/7u9qybbmavdrt37/MAA-Sirocco-X.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0
  5. Hello once again ! Here they are ! Two new fighters (Again... I know...) ! The first isn't that new, it's more an upgrade of the MAA-Apollon to make it easier to fly, and more Su-34 like with the two canards, so it's called the MAA-Apollon-34 ! I also made it more powerful, with two wheesley engines clipped in the panther. That means you won't be able to maintain post combustion indefinitely, otherwise they will overheat ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/sp6oucwl95wjeeu/MAA-Apollon-34.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 The second, is fighter inspired my multiple aircrafts: the F-15, F-16 and F-18 Hornet and SuperHornet. It has a great fuel capacity, but you can adjust it to make it fly like you want it to fly ! Again, it's easy to fly, supposed to be multirole and like all my other fighters, supersonic ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxr7t52e2s9kha4/MAA-Frelon.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 I hope you'll like them ! If you have any suggestion, or ideas of crafts to make, that would be cool ! Have a nice day !
  6. And a new one ! (Maybe one day I'll try to build a place that is not a fighter haha) This the MAA-Typhon. Surely my fastest and simplest fighter at the moment: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9mui4y2v3lxngs/MAA-Typhon.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 Hope you'll like it !
  7. Here are my most recent fighters ! Mostly inspired by Sukhoï planes ! First, the MAA-Apollon, inspired by the Su-34, because of the cockpit (it doesn't have canards whereas the real Su-34 has it), it's very unstable and difficult to fly. Take it as a challenge ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/f8411lvr6pmpe9d/MAA-Apollon.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 This one is inspired by the Su-27, because of the tail design. I also tried to implement the Blended Wing Body concept, don't know if it's correct.. It flies very well, very easy to control ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/hvf68wqnmxhhe0e/MAA-Pandore.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 That's all for today ! Hope you'll like them !
  8. Because those are my first, and I'm not inventing anything, so... But thanks ! I'll try it and will release an other version !
  9. Hi everyone ! I created this post to share with you my creations. For the moment I've only done "atmosphere" crafts. I tried to make them nice, and practical, but I know that they aren't the best at all... However, I'm sure that your advices will help me make them better ! I'm French, so I hope my english isn't that bad ! By the way, the name for all my craft is "MAA-......." That means Manufacture Aéronautique d'Amavios in french, and in english: Amavios Aeronautical Factory ! So here they are ! Fighter: This one is just a fighter, inspired by the F-22, but not that much... https://www.dropbox.com/s/yq2vujr7134foix/MAA-Hexagone.craft - copie?dl=0 The "Orage" is just a concept of a "flying wing" fighter. Again, not perfect, but it flies pretty well ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/husezd64x3nlhgc/MAA-Orage.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 The Rafale is (as its name suggest it) inspired by the Dassault Rafale. I would say it's a semi-replica. Pretty happy of this one ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ihzxp8s74fr340h/MAA-Rafale.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 The Zephir is a VTOL fighter, that perform just fine. But again, nothing amazing ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/fp4n2pjdnuts8yb/MAA-Zephir.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 Bomber: The Mistral is a light, hypersonic bomber, capable of small bombing run, but with a great autonomy ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/5f2en4u56h5kjpz/MAA-Mistral.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 The Sirocco is my biggest aircraft. It's supposed to be a long-range, hypersonic, heavy bomber. It is quite capable, I know it could be better, but it flies, doesn't look ugly (I think..) and that's all ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/zowplueuw46r00c/MAA-Sirocco.craft%20-%20copie?dl=0 I hope you will like them !
  10. Hi ! The Dassault Rafale would be cool, I tried once but only get a "semi-replica"... And you've done a very good job designing the other crafts btw !
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