Hi everyone !
I created this post to share with you my creations.
For the moment I've only done "atmosphere" crafts. I tried to make them nice, and practical, but I know that they aren't the best at all... However, I'm sure that your advices will help me make them better !
I'm French, so I hope my english isn't that bad !
By the way, the name for all my craft is "MAA-......."
That means Manufacture Aéronautique d'Amavios in french, and in english: Amavios Aeronautical Factory !
So here they are !
This one is just a fighter, inspired by the F-22, but not that much...
https://www.dropbox.com/s/yq2vujr7134foix/MAA-Hexagone.craft - copie?dl=0
The "Orage" is just a concept of a "flying wing" fighter. Again, not perfect, but it flies pretty well !
The Rafale is (as its name suggest it) inspired by the Dassault Rafale. I would say it's a semi-replica. Pretty happy of this one !
The Zephir is a VTOL fighter, that perform just fine. But again, nothing amazing !
The Mistral is a light, hypersonic bomber, capable of small bombing run, but with a great autonomy !
The Sirocco is my biggest aircraft. It's supposed to be a long-range, hypersonic, heavy bomber. It is quite capable, I know it could be better, but it flies, doesn't look ugly (I think..) and that's all !
I hope you will like them !