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  1. Sorry, I fixed it. Anyway I tried to start it with -force-opengl and got it working (now with 80% fewer crashes!)
  2. They're the same size as real life, yes. It replaces all the stock planets and adds ones that aren't represented in the base game.
  3. At one point last night I was designing upper stages and I crashed when I attempted launch. No biggie, it happens, start it again. Except the game crashes either as soon as ksp finishes loading or around a quarter through, every time after that. I tried Active Texture Management, and that didn't fix it. However when I deleted RSS, it did start. I'd rather not have to do that. Thanks for any help! Error log: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OJLkY6PBf8Y5Op52Yaa7zIaQG65t4YdrWEef-L3Mcm8/edit
  4. excellent work, it looks fantastic, but is it compatible with Sigma: Eve recolor?
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