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Everything posted by EnzoMeertens

  1. Yes, it does. Because I added some of my own functions to check if Kerbals use certain tools. If KIS updates, KKS can't find the library (dll) I am referencing in my build. I will send the KIS devs a message today, if I get time. (Seems I have to work today, instead of tomorrow). I am terribly sorry about the KIS breaking thing. I figured it wouldn't be a problem. I figured wrong. And I will fix this as soon as possible. Thanks for sticking with me!
  2. The only way is me asking the KIS developer to sent a message (kind of like an "event") when a Kerbal equips a tool. At the moment I fire that event myself. I will contact him/her as soon as I get off work. I'll also recompile KKS with the updated KIS version.
  3. Thank you! I really appreciate that! :3 I actually have no idea how hard that might be. I'll definitely give that a look-see.
  4. Sounds like a plan! I'll look into it! (Or someone else who has a bit more time than me...? Anyone? Hint, hint!)
  5. Yep. This seems to be the problem. I am referencing an old version of KIS in my KIS support add-on. Thanks! KKS version 0.3.2 is up! Thanks for reporting this bug!
  6. Wait. Is CKAN up again? Didn't it die together with KerbalStuff? (I am very not up-to-date) I will look into the bug in two days. Thanks for mentioning this and narrowing it down!
  7. Quick tests show that I am having the same problem. Added to my TO DO list.
  8. I didn't. I just skipped a bit of sleep! Version 0.3.1 is up: - Compatible with KSP version 1.1. If there are any problems, feel free to post them here or message me!
  9. Quick update regarding KSP version 1.1: Version 1.1 changed quite a few things regarding particle emitters, colliders, renderers, and other things. Making KKS functional again will take a while. I'll look into it tomorrow.
  10. I am pretty sure I've done so after uploading to CurseForge. Can you verify?
  11. Version 0.3: - Collider deformations (nothing visual, but you will notice). - Angle of impact influences damage: Damage is scaled by the cosine of the angle, e.g.: 0 degrees: damage multiplied by 1 (100% of damage received): 0 degree impact is exactly perpendicular on the surface. 15 degrees: damage multiplied by 0.97 (97% of damage received). 45 degrees: damage multiplied by 0.7 (70% of damage received). 80 degrees: damage multiplied by 0.17 (17% of damage received): scrapes the surface. 90 degrees: damage multiplied by 0 (0% of damage received): 90 degree impact isn't possible. An angle above 70 degrees is ignored for now. I want to add scratches when an impact scrapes the surface.
  12. Update will roll out tomorrow. I've contacted ferram4 about FAR support and it seems that updating the colliders should improve FAR support. Even without the updated colliders FAR should work if I call the correct method. I want to test this so I can include it in the update.
  13. Quick update: I'm working on deforming the colliders. Results are promising. I'm hoping to roll out an update before the weekend.
  14. I'll look into it when I'm feeling better. I'm still quite ill and have quite a few other assignments at the moment. One way to scale the damage down a bit more is by turning the malleability up in the engine config file.
  15. Yes, wait a few seconds before activating your engine.
  16. Updated. Version 0.2.7: - Moved actual resource leaking from KKS to Kerbalkrashsystem_Leak (instead of just leaking effects). - Fixed damage on impact on NO_FLOW resources. (E.g.: Solid fuel loses 20% fuel on (20% damage) impact instead of developing a leak (which wouldn't make sense)).
  17. They are up! Thanks you! I'll definitely keep that in mind! :3
  18. Those are perfect! I'd be happy to use those on the front page, if you let me! :3
  19. I would love that! I am utterly swamped at the moment. Any help is very much welcomed!
  20. Thank you for trying it! And thank you all for reporting it!
  21. This is all part of the same problem (moved one line of code by accident). I fixed it in the new version (0.2.6) which is up right now. My apologies for the inconvenience.
  22. "Simply". I've been working on that for the past two weeks or so, but I have a lot of other things on my plate at the moment.
  23. This sounds like an easy way to influence wings! I'll definitely look into it. Dark Multiplayer is something I'd like to look into sometime as well. Would be awesome if collision effects synced. This sounds like a perfect gap for a KKS-mod! Replacing a parachute with a broken model and changing the drag accordingly! Not something I plan on doing soon, though. (I suck at 3D modeling, don't have the patience (nor the skill)). What would renaming the collider achieve? I looked into the mk1CrewCabin.cfg and it says "noAutoEVA = true", which is the only EVA related thing I can find. No idea what that means, though. I always use Whack-A-Kerbal to "simulate" collisions. Or do you mean adding such events to the game so your space station is suddenly entirely deformed because of a meteorite shower? It's pretty easy to create a new Krash and apply it, the biggest problem is finding the correct positions on the vessel you want to damage, which is barely a problem at all. A Krash just consists of an impact location and impact velocity, both using the part's reference frame. Add it to the "Krashes" list and apply it (ApplyKrash(Krash krash)). Done!
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