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Posts posted by Nightshift83

  1. 10 hours ago, Fearless Son said:

    Given you had an engineer onboard, I am surprised you did not repack the chutes in your lander.  You might not strictly need them out like that in a vacuum environment like Ike, but you almost certainly will if you intend that lander to return to Kerbin.  


    No, lander was supposed to be abandoned, otherwise I wouldn't have seperated my additional tank on the 'mothership' as they were both counterbalancing each other. It was planned from the drawing board on. But during the mission I realized I had to bring all the science to the mainship, thats when I finally started to read about how 'science' works in detail and how it is transfered between ships.

    I allready was on Duna and now I only have liquid fuel left so I kinda used them resources to the max. The lander is now drifting as debris in orbit around Ike. No use for it anymore..

  2. ..soooo my first ever Duna mission seems to be finally coming to an end. Took me weeks with all that planing, building and playing (well I play reeeaally slow). Today it was Ike's turn and everybody is still alive (fingers crossed).

    Now I'll just build satellites for Moho, Eeloo and Dres as their transfer windows are before my Duna return - oh and a decent shuttle to get my heroes back to KSC and than it'll be science time!!


  3. With all the mods avaiable it's all possible (don't know about the VR-device but that can't be that hard). It would only require the right combination of mods and nothing more complicated than handling the cfg file..

    Back in the days some modders did this with 'Enemy Engaged' a very cool helicopter simulation and it took me a long time (and the monitors of my flatmates) but the webcam was dirt cheap and it was such a great experience..

    Of course you will most likely feel that what you do is a workaround (to some extend) but until KSP 2 - I think if you really want it you can do it yourself.


    Didn't know about KerbTrack, btw good thing to know if I ever replace that old notebook against a decent destktop-pc..

  4. Oh this Duna mission is getting more and more exciting, little accidents here and there, resources are getting scarce and hey it's still my first Duna mission but boy and learned a lot and I will bring home scince for those nerds on Kerbin to work on for years to come!


    As you might see the bottom tank blew off wich is good since there will not be enough fuel to drain from Daedalus anyway..

  5. 4 hours ago, Buster Charlie said:

    All these suggest Kerbal are the victim of some kind of cosmic joke, their creator must be some kind of space obsessed God or gods whose enjoyment involves the creation of a space fairing race of expendable crew.

    I see we are pretty much on the same page here as you might take from my above statement!

  6. On 23.2.2016 at 7:02 PM, Peder said:

    My first few missions to the mum resultet in me making a fly by instead of going into orbit.
    I saw that I did not have enough fuel so I fly back and redesign my rocker.

    After the few test flights I made orbit and landed but I used way to much fuel to land, and decided to launch a rescue mission instead of risking not being able to reach a stable orbit.

    I cannot remember if my rescue mission was a success, but I kind of doubt it since I had to design a rocket that could carry more than 1 kerbal and make my secound mum landing and go all the way back with a new rocket design "before" jeb running out of oxygen on the mum  ;-)

    So what does your mum think about it ? Whats her SOI by the way ?

    Just kidding, but it's really called mun or mün back in the days..

  7. Awe c'mon video game industry has changed so much these days. And for your comparison: I trust a vetenerian to tell me if my finger might be broken or not he does'nt even have to be specialized in monkeys.

    EA and Ubisoft developing advertisements ? What do think made them so successfull ? I mean just look at 'Watchdogs' or 'Silent Hunter V' compared to the expectations and what was delivered even the endproduct was merely and advertisement.

    But seriously I don't want to get this thread off-topic.

    Can't we agree on that SQUAD that seemingly derived from an ad-company had delivered one of the best, unique games in the last years ?

    What other agrument should one need ??

    (Seriously I'm not going to talk to you anymore if you don't bow before my clever argumentation now!)

  8. 10 minutes ago, razark said:

    Success in one business does not automatically translate into success in another.  Just because a company had a good history of marketing, you can't expect them to have success with, for example, writing video games.


    (Of course, there's nothing to say a company can't be successful in a different industry than they have previously worked in.)

    Last reply on this one, what other company could have a more broaden experience in multimedia than an advert company ? (don't get me wrong I usually hate these guys and their respective working field :))


    And yes why can't they be successful ? I mean they brought us KSP.. So what can you expect from a gaming company - EA - Ubisoft - SEGA (everything from RomeII up to Attila in their case) these days??????


    or guys like P.Molineux..Sid Meier..?? Hell, if Heinz-Ketchup throws out a good video game I wouldn'nt mind (might be bad example due to political implications)

  9. 1 hour ago, katateochi said:

    Since the rescue contracts I've been increasingly of the opinion that they just spontaneously appear in orbit in gestation command pods and this occurrence is catalysed somehow by the presence of craft in orbit (maybe engine exhaust or "wake" from passing ships).  So on long journeys all they have to do is orbit somewhere and perform some orbital maneuvers and sooner or later a new Kerbal will appear. 



    They do appear seemingly out of nowhere because of space-time-ripples caused by something going over 4 x timewarp that is controlled by 'someone' outside Kerbals dimension (2D+1D(depth)+1D(timecontrol)). Some Kerbals even believe that this 'someone' also has direct control of their actions and fates and can even revert time to some extend thus bringing some of them back to life if he pleases so..


  10. Once played multiplayer with a friend with said darkmod and it was unstable as soon as we got into each others range but that was most likely due to my pc specs.. That said just seeing the others constructions floating in 'my' universe (and vice versa) was such a great thing to have! We instantly rented a server for one month although we didn't play for more than two days or so. 

    Anyway with something somewhat stable it's as with most other 'open world' games (don't you even start arguing about that term, it might not be 100% correct but it does it's job now), if you play only with friends you can play it in any way you want just as you can do now in singleplayer..


    Most tempting for me would be like a US-Sowjet space race with occasional interception of spy satelites, but even working for the same side as coop would be awesome as we figured that the most fun we had in games was doing them coop (since it allowed for much greater communication during gameplay), where as playing as opponents most fun would usually be revealing our plans and assets when we knew game could be ended prematurely..


    Intersolar battle would be nice too, since you still had to figure out launch windows and the like and have a kind of strategy game where time is a really different component than you would have in any other game. I wouldn't even want to play it with any weapons mods since you could construct small rockets that just crash into enemy satelites or whatever or make your dropbombs out of little tanks.. Maybe just KIS/KAS so you don't have to replace the whole thing once it's damaged but rateher just bring up the parts that needs to be replaced..


    Long story short multiplayer isn't mandatory but it'll be great and it's probably under heavy development allready and they just want to surprise us with it so that the hype isn't too big and not everybody asking every five seconds for it to be finished (I read it in my fortune cooky!)..

  11. Well I'm sure you all read my blog post a while ago where I told you about that little space race to Duna I had with a friend and how this would be my first Duna landing.. If not http://imgur.com/a/rcjVq

    that was the first part, but I was getting low on fuel.. so after bringing the mothership into a closer orbit and descending from there after a refill I actually landed on Duna. And with the help of a technology called parachutes I managed to still have 1600 delta-v wich I was told should be enough to get back into an orbit of 50km.

    Well the landing was bit hard and the lower tank on the lander exploded (wich was engeneered of course-since it was the empty one *cough*).

    Turned out I was still missing just a little bit for that circular orbit, but I knew I still had some mono-propellent that should do it. But alas those RCS thingys were on that exploded tank shattered in red dust below me.

    I still had those one directional RCS on top of the lander and after a split second of genius I turned the whole thing upside down, enabled SAS to keep it aligned and held the 'i' key for a couple minutes until that periapses was out of atmospheric reach as well.

    Now I might make it back to the mothership, and reuse that lander on Ike (thats the job I was getting paid for in the first place), even though it now only has half the capacity and its landing legs are broken..


    This time pictures are uncommented and kinda unsorted but you should get the idea.

    As you can see my first two Kerbals on Duna were female (or is it kemale?).. anyway thats how Kerbal women finally earned their right to vote (on Duna -haha).


    I'm still proud on my first succesfull Duna landing and I think Ike will be no problem even with that damaged hardware.


    P.s.: That friend told me that he could not only not land on Duna but that he might even have problems to get his rig back to Kerbin without some sort of rescue/ refill mission - muhahahaha

  12. On 22.12.2015 at 0:51 AM, mythbusters844 said:

    Bac9 gave a fairly good comment about the matter in his KSC devblog, and I agree with him wholeheartedly:


    Since they called their homestar in line with their home planet, one could assume that Kerbals knew right from the beginning about their heliocentric system. 

    If not they at least knew about some sort of correlation and did not just make up some religious character to worship.

    Maybe that's why they value 'science' so much that they are willing to sacrifice themselfes easily for the progression of their people.

    Instead of getting tangled up in big scale wars wasting resources and lifes they dedicate themselfes to become a spacefaring race. 

    How long did it take your Kerbals to land on Mun or Duna and who knows when we might reach Mars.

    Where could we have been now, 47 years after the first Mun Moon landing. After realizing we were technically able to, did we push any further? 

    I say we backed out like chicken, because it was easier to spend the money on the same things we'd spent it on all those centuries berfore.

    For when calamity strikes Kerbals will be the ones colonizing other planets, there are even reports of them reaching for other stars, so I heard.


    Don't let their cute little looks fool you they will allways be ahead of us because of their spirit and attitude.


    P.s.: If someone is going to argue about their military spending - thats just to defeat the Space Kraken and if they meet a species like us, as we would surely accuse them of abduction and such nonsense..


    (Well maybe I got carried away here a little bit.. haven't had much sleep last night :)

  13. 1 hour ago, Brainlord Mesomorph said:

    KAC is a MUST.

    (I tell ppl I play a stock game, because I don't count KAC.)

    Have to get KAC too asap, plus a big bulletin board with color coded lines and stuff. Maybe even in KSC in the mission planner building so that you could drag and drop blocks around a virtuall calender or something alike (60's style)..

  14. On 22.1.2016 at 6:25 PM, Jimbodiah said:

    Won't that freak out the game? I get "krakens" that tear up my stations almost every other time I dock in orbit with the standard value.

    Thats why you turn it all the way down to .001 in the config. The reason I haven't played the game for a long time was because after I learned docking, my first ship that was a bit bigger would get torn apart and I just left the game as beeing unplayable for me.

    Then I found out about KAS/KIS where you could add struts while beeing on EVA and I thought that would be the solution to my problem.

    Turned out with lowest physics-frame settings they were not even needed (at least for my 140t ship, might be improvements during versions too).

    It really is very slow now with anything bigger (I run it on some very old Lenovo ThinkPad 2.7 GB Ram, AMD Neo X2 Dual Core L325).

    I still put a lot of fancy mods on to it (EVE, clouds, planetshine, etc..), since I have the feeling that they don't decrease speed that much further. (just switched to Linux64bit recently maybe that helped a bit too.)

    But I will try disabling the portraits right away and see what it does, since "I'm allways yellow" so to speak.

  15. Good lord, I was looking for this mod the past 24 hours since I had seen it just two days or so before (I even sent a message to the author of the docking port alignment mod because that was one thing I remembered from this thread).. now I might finish that Duna mission. Thanks a lot for this neat little improvement.

  16. On 11.1.2014 at 0:25 AM, LMA said:

    Friken fantastic I make music myself but hadn't looked into how to replace the music yet. I'l give it a go when I get my Blade Runner style music done might even do my own version of the omm song. deffo got to add the mos eisleybar music to the VAB.


    Just stumbled upon this thread, now I'm curious about your Blade Runner style music!

  17. Everything you'd need to peerform IVA-only missions. Which would'nt increase part count (well maybe one or two). From a purist (which I'm not) point of view that would be the only thing left in stock to make it much more immersive since you cannot have acces to all necessary information IVA as opposed to external view it would make the game much more immersive. As I just mentioned this game earlier today, I remember back in Silent Hunter III where you could disable all external views and event cameras.

    You could disable them at your carreer settings at start or in between - cheater! ;) or just leave on the event camera that just pops up like a bit bigger Kerbal-portrait showing you that one of your boosters has just gone rougue, because your MK1 cockpit only has two monitors and you didn't watch select temperature gauges for either one of them (no, not because of internet streaming - you don't have that tech yet too).

    On 19.1.2016 at 3:45 PM, Laythe Dweller said:

    IMO, I would rather see an art pass for the rocket parts and structural pieces before we get new parts.

    What would that be ? An aesthetic evaluation ?

  18. I felt that base hopping suggested earlier is kind of an exploit too (besides I've never built any rover yet). But I do remember from my earlier careers that at a certain point early on I had a really hard time progressing.

    I then usually made the mistake of building bigger wich would surely lead me into the "rocket-equation-trap" eventually. But as mentined above Minmus is quite a good alternative for grapping science early on. It is further away but compensates for much less gravity in return so you might actualy cover more than one biome as opposed to Mun, its more forgiving with little miscalculations too.

    If you fiddle around a bit with your maneuver-nodes you can surely make a fly-by mun on your way too (one way or the other-just watch your batteries).

    I do have the feeling that since 1.05 contracts are usually in a way that you can combine them in a single mission, just read carefully. Early rescue missions for example, where you can pick up a tourist or two, and have the rescued Kerbal do a crew report too, since you're going up there anyways test that decoupler on your way as well..

    If you have the feeling that you unlocked technologies are not sufficent for the job - think twice: maybe your ascent profile could be optimized more. Do some research on the forums or youtube videos. A few hundred delta-v's saved near Kerbin make a huge difference out there at Minmus.

    That said even if I can't recall the countless trials to orbit Kerbin for the first times in my careers (thats the only mode I played since it became avaiable), there still is a uncertainty if for example reentry will work smoothly for that next first time (wich is good). The restart functions lets you figure out a lot about the mechanics. If you cant afford unlocking that heat shield try coming down with a different aproach. Or just lift of in another direction, you might land on an entirely different biome.

    I guess the first few tiers of science to be unlocked have to be picked much more carefully than later on, so think about what you want/ need to do next.

    Whenever you land on a new location (manned) plant a flag and name it accordingly. If you did science before it'll tell you the name of the biome wich you could than put in the name or additional information tab on your flag (I usually do year and time and whoever was the pioneer too, as well as the vehicles name, but thats more for the lore) so you don't accidentaly go there a second time. (Although you can get science points for redoing some of the research too!)

    If you don't think it's too boring try exploring Kerbin with planes, you can get science and learn something about different aerodynamic settings as well that might help you designing your rockets too.

    Last but not least you can allways wait a couple hours or days inbetween your missions (more realistic anyway) before trying to archieve the next big step in your space program, contracts need some time to kick in. As in offering you a contract that will actually net you some money for the next step you wanted to do anyway (and those extra 6 science points might just close the gap to the next tech).

    If nothing helps and you're stalled maybe, just maybe look for a mod that helps you a bit to get over the edge.. I would recommend this more for refining your personal game experience as opposed to 'cheating' through the campaign, but it's a  single playe game at last and if it helps you enjoy your engineering playtime and at the same time makes obstacle easier to overcome - why not - your choice..

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