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Everything posted by Koening

  1. I'm psyched, and hunting bugs is almost as fun as nuking the KSC so looking forward to it.
  2. First off all i love your mod. Second I have some suggestions: 1. NAPALM. I just love the smell of napalm in the morning, and I would love to see some bombs (and some missile's even) that just give a giant fireball. 2. Guided nuke. I always under or over shoot. Some precision bombing with nukes because they have so small blast radius' 3. EMP. Just a big blast en if possible it would be amazing if all the electrics of crafts within the blast radius would fail.
  3. Btw do you know how I can change my profile name because I made a typo it should be Koeing. An reference toe Boeing because that's the mod I'm making
  4. I will. But I still have a long way to go. I'm currently stuck in the modeling fase.
  5. Thanks for the answer. That helps a lot!! One last question can you select which door/hatch the pod will favour?
  6. I'm working on a mod for KSP and I was wondering if a single pod can have 2 doors. Is that possible?
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