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Everything posted by jerethdatiger

  1. im trying to make a wing like the big s tail with integrated control surface and 2 solar panel functions, those i think i can figure out but i'm stuck with the control surface part thisis my current unity setup please help
  2. ok while i was following the instructions , even though my mesh was aligned in my 3d app in unit everything is off again
  3. ok for somereason the controlsurface isnt showing and the collider isnt working again
  4. Ok so how do i calculate acceptable lift for my wings as the blue wing probobly needs fixing
  5. So i need to reduce lift but lift is a function of air pressure and surface area and thanks ill have a look
  6. Ill upload a 3ds max format and thank you for your input ill give it a try .fbx format http://www.filedropper.com/squarewing_1 if you can please wlk me through the makin an intrgraded ocntrol surface using the file thanks
  7. ok i try redoing the collider still nothing also tried animating a control surface and it looked like it was right but nothing i include links to the zip with the mu the .c4d and the config im using also it seems to have culed some faces from the model, size is right but if it cant be grabbed and removed its no good lastly how do i make it have connection points on the side also help me someone please http://www.filedropper.com/squarewing http://imgur.com/a/UzNQC i double checked collider it was correct and these immages might help explain the issue
  8. Ive been out but i wanted to ask you some questions since according to rover we both use c4d ill make a post listing my questions and if you could answer id appreciate it My scalling issue seems to be 1 meter in c4d equates to 10 or more in unity I wanted to know if thats something you had or if something's off
  9. I told it to generate a mesh colider maybe i didnt click convex ill check thanks. Any idea on the odd scaling issue im having .cinema 4d is setcup to use meters but when i import to unity it need to be scaled to 12.5 percent to fit in with ksp .125 using scale factor this oddity also makes using box coliders more challenging.
  10. Hey im jereth new to modding in ksp but not modeling. Anyways ive sofar made 2 parts for my mod firs one a wing is saddly high poly but works fine Its the second one im having trouble with im using an modified square wing with a cut out for a pair of elevon 4s eventually i aim to integrate the control surfaces. Anyways i written the part and modifing an appropriate config to fit my needs for now . and it can be placed rotated offset and such but when i go to remove it i can not. Left clicking wont work and the peice is still "solid" not like its disconnected any ideas Written from phone so forgive grammatical errors.
  11. please pplease please make this stock and thank you to the author soooo much this is exactly what i needed
  12. such a cool mod after jeb discovered other stars work began on a craft to take him there keep up the good work
  13. craft link and any more pictures would ruin the experience http://kerbalx.com/jerethdatiger/wtf
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