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Dr.K Kerbal

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Posts posted by Dr.K Kerbal

  1. So recently the Movie Passangers came out in 2016 starring Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence.  The movie got me thinking about the Avalon, the giant starship that the two live on. I really wanted to see a mod for KSP with some parts for the ship, and if your a moderator of some sort, please make them HUGE parts. Like 5.5 meter parts ^_^. Anyway. Unfortunately, there aren't any mods I know of that have Avalon parts. So if you have any coding expirence that can create good mods, then please post a comment saying you might work on it. Also, leave a comment down below if you think this is a good idea. Hope you guys enjoy the idea...

    If you have no idea what I am talking about, check out the movie trailer here --> 


  2. Probe Locations for the Kerbol System

    So I recently just came back from a Holiday in Tasmania, and I hear about the new updates, more importantly, the new CommNet network added in the game. So in game and in the tracking station, there is a green line connecting to all the online probes, landers, bases, rovers, space stations etc. The KSP team have also added in a bunch of new transmitters in the game as well. So the green line gets darker when you lose more and more connection with kerbin. This means that it is important to have probes everywhere in the kerbol system. 

    You can also map planets and Moons with the new update. So then that is another few probes on each and every moon to make it easier to find better landing spots and to see where lakes and oceans are if your looking at Laythe or Eve.

    So my challenge is for someone to post a photo with all satellites and Probes connecting each and every other probe. 

    To comeplete the challenge, you must show proof of:

    1. A minimum of 2 probes around each planet
    2. At least 3 probes orbiting any of the planets moons
    3. 2 probes orbiting around the sun between each planet
    4. 10 probes orbiting Kerbin and the Mün
    5. All the probes must be connected to each other and must connect to kerbin with a 100% status.
    6. 3 screenshots of you mapping the following : Laythe, Kerbin, Jool.

    Please post a commentl if you think this is a reasonable challenge or you think this is way to overpowered and would take up any of your own ksp time. I will be with you as I have notifications turned on...

    I don't care if you use cheats or not, I don't care if you use the same probe, just do the 6 steps. And you must show photographic proof of all the probes in their orbits.

    Good luck, and have fun!

    P.S. not rccomended for Career mode...

    Edited 8 hours ago by Dr.K Kerbal 
  3. 15 hours ago, DGatsby said:

    Does this mean we finally get a stock Soyuz? I've been wanting that since 2011.

    I have no idea if a stock Soyuz would be good or it would be the next biggest spark for Danny2642 and Nexters Lab to start doing terrorism videos with the pod...

  4. Probe Locations for the Kerbol System

    So I recently just came back from a Holiday in Tasmania, and I hear about the new updates, more importantly, the new CommNet network added in the game. So in game and in the tracking station, there is a green line connecting to all the online probes, landers, bases, rovers, space stations etc. The KSP team have also added in a bunch of new transmitters in the game as well. So the green line gets darker when you lose more and more connection with kerbin. This means that it is important to have probes everywhere in the kerbol system. 

    You can also map planets and Moons with the new update. So then that is another few probes on each and every moon to make it easier to find better landing spots and to see where lakes and oceans are if your looking at Laythe or Eve.

    So my challenge is for someone to post a photo with all satellites and Probes connecting each and every other probe. 

    To comeplete the challenge, you must show proof of:

    1. A minimum of 2 probes around each planet
    2. At least 3 probes orbiting any of the planets moons
    3. 2 probes orbiting around the sun between each planet
    4. 10 probes orbiting Kerbin and the Mün
    5. All the probes must be connected to each other and must connect to kerbin with a 100% status.
    6. 3 screenshots of you mapping the following : Laythe, Kerbin, Jool.

    Please post a commentl if you think this is a reasonable challenge or you think this is way to overpowered and would take up any of your own ksp time. I will be with you as I have notifications turned on...

    I don't care if you use cheats or not, I don't care if you use the same probe, just do the 6 steps. And you must show photographic proof of all the probes in their orbits.

    Good luck, and have fun!

    P.S. not rccomended for Career mode...

  5. I made a giant 3 stage spacecraft to go to Eeloo. Even with time warp on, it still took me about 10 minutes to get there. All I used was 4 nuclear engines. I did about 5 gravity assists with Kerbin, and then escaped Kerbin gravity and was then orbiting the sun. Deployed my first stage, and then had 6 nuclear engines. 12 gravity assists later, we were on our way to Eeloo.  


    6 years later...

    Nurfed my velocity down to just 500 m/s and then deployed the lander. Sweating like mad, used my lander engine to fly me down. Made it with just 3 fuel units left :o. Stayed around for a bit. OMG got so many acheivments. (Why do some contracts say "get to Eeloo" and then their contract expires in 1 year?) Then took off again, and then docked with my mothership.

    BUT NOT SO FAST!!! I ran out of fuel on the way up! :( And then drained my RCS, so then I switched back to my mother ship and had to alter its orbit to about 300 meters above the ground. Embarrassing bit: Forgot the docking port :/ so I had to EVA everyone out. Jebbo was still in. And he was the last on on the lander. The mothership was drifting away, reeeealllly slowly, hovered over to the Mothership and then got going. 


    Pro tip 1. Remember your docking ports

    Pro tip 2. Bring lots of fuel

    Pro tip 3. Next time, get something else other than nuclear engines. 

    Lets just say that When Jebadiah cam back to Kerbin, he was 12 years older then when he left.


  6. I once tried to make a giant Mothership to send to the Mun, And then did a few things on it.

    I sent over the first part of my base, which was 3 hitch-hiker containers. All facing up. I then sent over a 2.5m science lab lying sideways. I had 4 docking ports around my first peicewe that I sent to the Mun, so I docked it to that. I then sent over a fuel refinery. It had a docking port at the top and 4 around the sides ( For Rovers ). The one on the top would be for spacecraft. You would need engines facing up when you are down though... It had 8 drills and a large ore container. It had an ISRU Converter and 8 Laarge slower panels, with a robot control slab and 3 2.5 batteries.

    I made 3 rovers to send over to the Mun, but one got stuck in a creator. I landed the rover about 10 kilometres away from the base, so it was a bit of a drive. I was going at a speed of 20m/s and slowed down to 10m/s when there were creators, tight fits and in-even terrain. It took me about 2 hours to drive to the base. 

    I then made the Mother ship in low Kerbin orbit- about 100k up. There were 4 parts, and we're all connected with Docking port Sr.'s The engines were 12 nuclear engines and 100,000 litres of liquid fuel and no oxidiser.

    I sent over about 10 kerbals to the Mun all at once with that thing. But I had to do 2 lunar lander trips. It had a mk2 lander can <2 Kerbals> and a hitchhiker container <4 Kerbals>. 

    I can't put in any photos, because I don't have an Imgr account.


  7. 2 hours ago, 0111narwhalz said:

    Pretty sure crafts are fine, as long as physics doesn't change. Really old craft from the pre-SPP era might suffer from aesthetics, but other than that, the crafts should always load in. Due to recent tweaking of the aerodynamics and the change of meaning of specific impulse, you'll probably have to tweak your aircraft, but pretty much everything else should be fine.

    So all you have to do is just drag your craft files into the updated version.

  8. 6 hours ago, NecroBones said:

    OK, I'll add it to the "maybe" list on the front page. It may depend on how much information I can find about what sort of dimensions, fuel capacity, etc it's supposed to have. Granted, I can make up a bunch of stuff too, by comparing to existing rockets, but I prefer to use numbers from the source if I can. :wink:


    Have you double-checked your tech tree? Some of my mods add a lot of new tech nodes that you need to research, if you're playing in Sandbox or Science modes.



    No, I play with  Sandbox most of the time.

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