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  1. Also a radially locked satellite or space station sounds nice.
  2. If I set a docking port as target and turn SAS on target tracking, then go to orient the other craft to orient and come back the first one goes back to the default SAS mode. Can we have the SAS working on both and track each other so we just have to align 1 craft instead of going back and forth?
  3. How about all stock parts, no unfair mods, just construction and autopilot, 70km circular minimum (out of atmosphere).
  4. Like I said game engine could implement welding of clipped parts. I know struts can be used but it tedious for making wings out of many parts and adding struts to each.(Also when I edit wings and then have to check and/or add struts again)
  5. I wanted some way we can attach parts at two points. Best example would be two radial decouplers holding a rocket booster. Or for a craft to go to and from dual/quad couplers without docking ports. Or like twin tail aircraft that merges at end.I know we can put struts but still not as strong or asthetic. BTW I did some digging and found out that KSP uses a tree method to attach parts. Dont know if they can or will change this system. Meanwhile someone can implement something that would weld clipped parts together. This might also solve the problem with custom wings.
  6. @The_Rocketeer, also I think you didnt factor in the fact that I'm launching at 16k not sea level. This is gonna take a lot of R&D. Maybe I should just use a teleport mod to get it to 16k to facilitate testing. It takes a long time to get up there and I cant even speed up cos it causes too much imbalance.
  7. @The_Rocketeer , how much lift do I need? The probe is 5.66 tonnes and current lift is 7.8*2=15.6
  8. @Deddly , it didnt level out gonna add more engines. Also gonna try to make it more stable, I separated at nearly 17k, gonna try to push it till it stops gaining altitude then separate.
  9. Ion Drone on top of reaction wheels and large wings. Found out if you put enough reaction wheels and rotate it lifts. This is like the 50th iteration. Most stable config (PM for tips). Went unstable few times, stopped realigned restarted rotation, got tired at 16k altitude. Separated. Turns out drone isnt powerful enough to orbit. Will try again later.
  10. It would be nice if we could see the wet and dry center of mass especially in the spaceplane hangar. Right now I have to go to each fuel tank and empty it and refill.
  11. I thought the point of a jump was no thrust after you get in the air. Otherwise I could just go into space with enough thrust.
  12. I lower periapsis and stick to prograde to reduce heating in upper atmosphere. Prograde is very stable. Also I transfer leftover fuel to the furthest tanks and only use airbrakes which I put at the very back.
  13. How about Procedural Fuel Tanks. Could be at tier 6-8 Research level. Build your own tanks.
  14. Hi in new to forums I have been playing Kerbal for some time just noticed that all rockets have Specific Impulse (Isp) always lower for Above Sea Level (ASL) than (Vac.). From what I know rockets are quite efficient and the only difference is mostly in the nozzle design. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_engine_nozzle See ideal expansion. Hence it must be possible to have rockets that are designed to be more efficient in atmosphere. Seems like this has not been implemented. It would be nice to see some lower stage rockets/engines.
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