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Loren Pechtel

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Posts posted by Loren Pechtel

  1. 9 minutes ago, xxSpikeZZxx said:

    The ship I used was all stock KSP parts. It had the basic "Reliant" engine and was very manoeuvrable. I have landed much more complicated aircraft on atmospheric bodies absolutely fine with Mechjeb before but no matter what i try with the update, i cannot get even the simplest ship to land successfully on the Mun or Minmus. 

    While I have never seen the problem with too much maneuverability it sounds like you're falling afoul of his point #3.

  2. (Latest release version)

    Possible bug with advanced transfer to another planet:

    I have seen this many times, logs show nothing:  It burns as it should and when the burn is complete it tries to do the same burn again immediately.  Of course the result is generally catastrophic.  I've tried as hard as I can to make sure it's only one click and it doesn't act like it has multiple nodes scheduled.

    Definite bug with advanced transfer to another planet:

    When you're in the transfer window rather than a time it says "any time now"--and takes it too literally.  Click that, it often burns immediately, not waiting for the right spot in the orbit to burn.

  3. 23 minutes ago, juanml82 said:

    Solution 1: Redesign the mining ship with the drills a bit higher, use hyperedit to teleport it to Gilly and land it by the original miner. Evacuate the crew of the original miner into the new miner, destroy the original miner, if in career mode, use cheats to refund you the money.

    If that were the fix I would just send the engineers out to move them--I've got KIS and KAS installed.  The problem turned out to be a lack of ore.  After a  hop it slid back into the original no-ore biome, a second hop actually landed on a flat enough spot, it's now mining.

  4. 6 hours ago, bewing said:

    Ore rates depend on your game difficulty level, too. It seems to go as "resoucre abundance" squared, as my best guess. In hard mode, that means most spots on most bodies will have zero ore. Usually the drills will tell you so -- they say "no ore available" or some such thing when they quit.

    And I find hopping at Gilly to be the easiest thing in KSP. You point your nose where you want to go, fly there, turn around, brake to zero, then fall. It takes a long time, but it's sooooo easy.


    Yeah, it takes a long time.  And it's so bumpy it takes a long time after landing, also.  I've been touched down 10 minutes now, still sliding down a steep hill with occasional hops into the sky.  The engines are off, SAS is enough to keep my rocket upright as it goes sledding on one corner.  I wish I had landed closer to midday so I could see what the terrain actually looked like, all I can see is the horizon.


    Yup, that did it.  Now they work.

  5. 3 hours ago, Blaarkies said:

    If it wasn't for game bugs, then no reverting would actually be fun (it is nerve wrecking).
    But having parts go poof, spazzing out for no reason, spacplanes rolling left because of an open anntenae inside the closed cargo bay...thats what revert and F5 is for

    Edit: Remember it is ok to point 20degrees up from prograde, the losses are less than we think:
    -cos(20')=94% of thrust still happens in the prograde direction
    -cos(30')=87% of thrust still happens in the prograde direction

    Going further than that induces greater losses though, but if you can keep your craft out of the atmosphere at that price(6% efficiency) with super efficient engines like nukes...you still win.

    Just remember to be consistent. Rather point 20degrees off prograde for 3 minutes, than to point 40degrees off prograde for 1minute(the 40' burn is going to be more risky and less efficient)

    This pointing upwards thing is what real rockets(at least the last stage of them) do to get into orbit as well. They don't have enough TWR to finish the orbit insertion burn before they reach Ap, they have to constantly raise the Ap to stay up there longer, to gain orbital speed.
    We in KSP often have too much TWR to finish that long before reaching Ap

    It's not just things like parts going poof, but that we don't have engineers modelling things like separatrons.  I consider reverting such mistakes as something the engineers should have done before flight.

  6. 52 minutes ago, HvP said:

    Are you using the small drills? I believe the Junior Mining Excavators require a minimum of 2.5% ore concentration in order to operate. The only other problems you could be running into would be overheating (not likely in such a short amount of time,) or insufficient electricity. If you don't have enough batteries on board, and you're mining on the night side then your drills could be depleting your probe's charge before shutting down.

    Plenty of charge--lots of solar, lots of fuel cells (enough to run 4 drills & the converter at night and almost 40k of power, fully charged.)  Big drills, but perhaps I'm in an area with zero ore.

    I've got enough fuel to hop a bit, but it's sure painful on Gilly!

  7. I have a mining ship intended to set down on a low-g world, mine, refine and haul a load of liquid fuel into orbit (and refuel itself also.)

    My miner definitely works--at launch I sent it to Minmus to refuel so it had enough to even reach Gilly.  I put down on Gilly, deploy my drills and they run for maybe half a second and stop.  I seem to have forgotten to put a ore scanner on the ScanSat bird that's orbiting Gilly so I don't know the ore concentration I'm sitting on.  I'm not after the fastest possible mining, just to get fuel eventually.

  8. 43 minutes ago, raxo2222 said:


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    Antimatter is ultra expensive - one gram of it costs 100 000 kerbucks.

    Even He3 is way cheaper costing only 0.89 kerbucks per gram.

    also why Lithium 7 Hydrate is orders of magnitude cheaper than Lithium 7 or Hydrogen?

    I wonder if we could fund our late-game efforts by means of antimatter collectors and returning it to KSP?

  9. 1 hour ago, Skylon said:

    I was building a small craft from scratch (straight from KIS container with no pre-launched root part) on the Mun surface. While it had sufficient communications, power and a probe core it couldn't launch. Is this something that can't be done, and if not could it (at all/easily) be added as a feature? This is something I think would be cool to be able to do. This was a while ago and I have since recycled the parts but I could try to recreate for pics.

    Did you do a "control from here" on the probe core?

  10. 8 hours ago, Benjamin Kerman said:

    Again, as mentioned before, it might have been the nuke. Long burns produce a lot of heat, and the solar panels might have acted as radiators and then exploded due to overheating. Being near Kerbol increases this likelihood greatly...

    I did no long burns near Kerbol.  I was doing a rally mission, Moho was simply a flyby.  The only burn I did down there was a tiny course correction burn.

  11. 34 minutes ago, Joseph Kerman said:

    I also had this problem, and I know my case's cause.

    I was launching satellites when I noticed one of them had one missing. I also used 4, like in your case. Maybe it's the fairing accidentally hitting the panel and it broke.

    My rocket didn't have a fairing but it did have a nosecone on a decoupler.

    That could have broken one of them.  I had three panels--then later I had two.  I didn't jettison anything, I didn't go anywhere near another spacecraft.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Spricigo said:

    Flight report (F3)  provided any clue about what happened?  

    I wonder if the sudden spike of physics simulation kicking in may be the cause.  Granted,  more likely to happen with big ships whit multiple parts docked together. 

    Nothing, but I switched ships many, many times by the time I saw this and F3 doesn't show events that certainly did happen.

  13. 49 minutes ago, SpaceOdissey said:

    Oh wow!! Really?? Strange...

    It could be the nuclear engine, because they make a lot of radiation or it could be the sun because you were very close... That happened to me also with a probe passing too close to the Sun.

    Yeah, that's how I felt about it also.  I have several other rockets out there including multiple rockets that have flown past Moho without harm.  It's just this one bird that's losing panels.  Things are hot there but not enough to blow a panel.

  14. I've got a probe I'm using to complete one of those rally contracts.

    At launch it had 4 of the gigantor solar arrays on it.  When I was leaving Moho I noticed it had only three, one apparently broken off.  I figured it was a case of very bad luck from when I jettisoned the nose in Kerbin orbit.  Now, however, a few planets later I see it has only two panels.  Nothing has been jettisoned since leaving Kerbin, it's closest approach to a planet was about 400km above Duna.

    It's been out there 10 years now, do they grow old and fail??

    (The rest of the rocket is a probe core, a reaction wheel, lots of fuel, an antenna and the nuke engine.)

  15. 34 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

    Here is a small tutorial on how to launch a rocket withh ablative nozzle:

    First create a mobile beam transmitter power rover with a transmitter configured for long infrared.

    Drive it near the launch platform and active the transmitter!

    tn6sGiK.pngCreate a rocket with Launch nozle and a solid storage resource tank configured for PVC, and out it in launch clamps and make sure staging is correctly configured

    Where's the resource tank?

    And while the nozzle seems to show the same ISP on the ground as in space MechJeb thinks otherwise in the VAB (I didn't try actually building one.)

  16. On 4/2/2017 at 9:38 AM, xisec said:

    Thx for all this responses :D


    Difficulty increases over reputation level, but always at your tech and your system eploration level, right?

    It seems reasonable. Like this mechanic hehe

    Edit: I was worried about my new missions, too difficult for me. I only reached Mun and a close return from Mun. I had missions about landing on Mun; about gee force tourism on orbit; far away flights over 20k... I am too noob for this. After a sell of reputation I feel better with my new missions: tours orbiting Mun; some sat on Kerbin; far away flights, but under 20k...

    The game offers plenty of undesirable contracts, just don't take them.

  17. 4 minutes ago, IgorZ said:

    Drag-n-drop is a UI design, not the part moving concept. I.e. when you drag a part you don't actually "hold" it, you just declare a desire to move the part somewhere. And when you drop the part the action is completed instantly. That said, if you need to physically move a part you must either attach temporarily attach it to something or put it into an inventory. If you don't care about physics reality then just increase the KIS distance limit :)

    How do you put a part into inventory?  When I was trying to recover a dropped part on Ike I was unable to place it into my inventory.

  18. I disagree slightly on the contracts.

    I have never been offered a contract for a location I have not been to other than the incentive-to-go-there type which are one step beyond what you have accomplished.

    While I have never had an early probe ejected I did have an incident where a parachute was ejected at relativistic velocity--and I started getting contracts in solar space but not for any other planets.

  19. 15 hours ago, jebidiah34 said:

    I was able to get to Eve but ran out of fuel with 10 m/s left to go to achieve orbit. Do you have a ship that is light and has plenty of fuel to get there? And sorry I didn't realize it was in tutorials. 

    Yeah, the capture burn for a lower orbit around Eve is brutal, although if you were only short by 10 m/s you should still be in orbit, just not the orbit you intended.

    Eve has a big, thick atmosphere and that spells aerobrake.  Either bring a heat shield or go very shallow, shedding just enough velocity to get your apoapsis within Eve's SOI.  Doing it that way will take several dips through the fire but should be survivable without a heat shield.

    The other alternative is to wait until you have the nuke engine, getting the delta-v for capture is no problem at that point.  (My most recent Eve mission was after science.   I brought along a big tank {mod} to feed it, I had enough to go into low polar orbit, probably spent 500 m/s "orbiting" just inside Eve's atmosphere {.1km below the top of the atmosphere is still "flying high"}, then went to a high orbit, then went to Gilly, a high orbit and a low orbit, then home.)

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