So I asked a similar question a few days back, but now I have a new one. I know gravity is pulling spacecraft back to the thing it's orbiting, but what's keeping it from actually crashing into the surface? So far i have narrowed it down to 2 possible reasons: Inertia or Momentum. I know inertia is just a property of matter that makes it want to go in a straight line with the same speed. And momentum (I think) wants the object to keep going as well, because it's harder to stop something with more momentum. Inertia would work to keep the spacecraft from falling because they want to go out and away in a straight line, but gravity pulls it in, so there's a tug-of-war. At the same time, I would think momentum does the same thing, it wants to go out and away. So which is it, inertia or momentum? Or both?