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Everything posted by KerbalKid

  1. Not sure i don't really check the settings, but probably.
  2. I Don't know what you mean, you can simply get out and go up next to the asteroid (w/ a kerbal) and right click and it says "sample" or something and you can just go into your command pod and it adds it.
  3. I've finished putting the pictures up on Imgur here is the link http://imgur.com/a/umNEl gotta go for art class. Also what do you mean by "WHAT!?"
  4. Jesus... that's pretty close to the actual shuttle
  5. I've finished the EM-2 mission! i got a sample from the asteroid and returned, all kerbals have survived. Video & Pictures coming soon... most likely tommorow because it's like 10:19 PM
  6. My favourite part was the explosions
  7. I Remember i saw a kerbal named "Kerbal Kerman"
  8. Yes i put a thing up without the HUD to show it was unmanned and yes it did get into orbit.
  9. I've finished the EM-1 i will do the EM-2 soon here is the pictures/imgur link http://imgur.com/a/JQEfO
  10. I've actually worked on an Ares replica & Orion Replica complete with staged parachutes!
  11. Nope Delta II
  12. So recently i decided to re-create the DAWN mission see for yourself http://imgur.com/a/rqg1e
  13. Ok i've done the mission and i posted the photos up on Imgur http://imgur.com/a/rqg1e
  14. I've got an encounter with dres & Duna gravity assist was successful photos will be up soon.
  15. So i'm trying to recreate the DAWN mission which launched and did a flyby of Mars to then orbit Ceres and Vesta (i think) but im having trouble with the Mars gravity assist to Dres. Please help
  16. Hello i'm back and i decided to put a rocket on the back of my boat this time... and land it........ on the boat Take a look (Same mods) KAS/KIS, VaporVent All pictures here http://imgur.com/a/Di4BB
  17. Good name since it was a submarine with boat in its name
  18. I Didn't have a good name so just stick with it k?, Anyway i thought it'd be cool to make a submarine but then i decided... why not make a boat to transport it around and one thing lead to another i made this awesome boat with a sub. Take a look Mods used: KAS/KIS & VaporVent If you want to see all the pictures click the link http://imgur.com/a/RWe6g
  19. Let me think... how about this KSP Kerbal Space Program
  20. You should be able to TRIGGER a failure or set like the percentage of failure like the engine has a 65% of failing idk i just haven't been seeing failures with this mod yet
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