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  1. @Probus Hi, i was really excited about your mod, because vanilla tech tree has no sense, making it boring and annoying. I installed ETT, but with only vanilla parts feels so empty, so i added SXT and NearFuture for parts and Dmagic for Science to already installed MJ and RemoteTech. Intially was really fun, thanks to the combination of the freedom to decide what is a priority for you (like unmanned first, wheels and stairs before atomic power -_-) with a progression well balanced that challenge you without frustration (or grinding). The big "but" is that just after the first part of the tree, the parts are placed in nodes without following a logic in term of progression or cost, like having the vanilla tree with also some "bugged" placing. The problem is that this mod tries to support all the mod, delegating too much to the modders. That doesn't work. Really, it's not the right path to follow. There is not an official and reliable "stardard" to follow. And this mod needs someone that has "the big picture" in his mind, assuring it is respected. And it can only be you. I think you should use your experience to decide how the game should be (in terms of tech tree) and, based on that, pick few mods u consider should be in the game (or just a partial of the mod) e stick with just those. No less, no more. Your work will be a lot less (especially the maintenance) and the result a lot better. U can also tweak and Whitelisting parts beacause their number (now limited) now permits this. And u can now really work on balancing and progression (one time job). As modder u should know u can't make everyone happy and if u try so, u end to make everyone unhappy (u included) Luca
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