So, I want to make a orbiter/lander of sorts, with the orbiter keeping a kethane scanner on it and the lander only having drills/tanks. While orbiting, if it detects kethane, I'd mark the spot, the lander would detach and land, leaving the orbiter orbiting and scanning the planet. The way controllers work right now, I'd need to have one controller on the orbiter and one on the lander, but that breaks kethane (understandably). However, when they decouple and have one controller a piece, they also understandably don't work, and seem to remain linked. A hack is putting a single controller on the lander and abandoning the orbiter after use. With 0.17 coming, landing heavy probes on other planets could potentially be troublesome, so using an orbiter/lander pair could save weight and make it a bit easier. Are there any better ways of making it work now/improvements planned to support similar spacecraft?