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Everything posted by Xike

  1. What mod is that from? It looks really awesome.
  2. What I mean is that I want to launch a ship (with *one* launch) that can split into two parts, both with operational kethane modules.
  3. So, I want to make a orbiter/lander of sorts, with the orbiter keeping a kethane scanner on it and the lander only having drills/tanks. While orbiting, if it detects kethane, I'd mark the spot, the lander would detach and land, leaving the orbiter orbiting and scanning the planet. The way controllers work right now, I'd need to have one controller on the orbiter and one on the lander, but that breaks kethane (understandably). However, when they decouple and have one controller a piece, they also understandably don't work, and seem to remain linked. A hack is putting a single controller on the lander and abandoning the orbiter after use. With 0.17 coming, landing heavy probes on other planets could potentially be troublesome, so using an orbiter/lander pair could save weight and make it a bit easier. Are there any better ways of making it work now/improvements planned to support similar spacecraft?
  4. I don't really think the kind of competition you're talking about really fits forums... Seems a bit better fit to some sort of "Steam Workshop" kind of repository with like, featured addons. Probably isn't that feasible at the moment, given the relatively limited number of addons.
  5. I'm pretty sure that my post had more than just speculation on the release date, but I wasn't aware of the switch back. I apologize, in that case. I wonder, though, if it would be possible to land and return from an atmospheric planet with a 1-man capsule/1m rocket, or at the very least with a relatively small rocket. I hate big clunky ones that are slow to respond, and relying on RCS would just add weight... We'll have to see. Anyone have any interesting designs planned?
  6. Well if they are still sticking to their previous plans, their four week development cycle (assuming it started when the 0.17 update thread was posted) ends in three days, which would then be likely followed by a few weeks of testing. I can't find the thread where they announced their dev cycle shift, for some reason, but it was posted in between 0.15 and 0.16. Regardless, quite excited for this one--Specifically other planets with atmosphere--More complicated lander/ascent stages will add another whole layer of complexity. Whooboy.
  7. Whenever I open the fairing for the bigtrak lander, it likes to begin spinning uncontrollably until it rips itself apart. Am I doing something wrong?
  8. After having fooled around in the space plane hanger for a little while, I\'ve come up with this: Inspired by the Lockheed U-2, it is a thin single-engine jet that requires a gentle touch to control. After taking off, separate the wing-mounted landing gear to save weight, and enjoy the flight! The plane is very maneuverable and should only require minor trim adjustments to fly perfectly straight! Disclaimers: -Like the real U-2, landing may prove to be very difficult, but is most certainly possible! -I\'ve reached ~8,000 with minimal consequences, but be careful going any higher! Anyways, post any and all micro-planes you can come up with!
  9. Love the look of that orbiter. Keep it up man, I love your stuff!
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