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Everything posted by kleyten

  1. oh okay, how can i increase that? or how can i change that
  2. okay now its crashing... can you maybe watch my error and output log? Error Log output log i had to put the output log on a different webside because its bigger the 512kb i dont know how to read them.. so i cant figure out what caused the error
  3. okay now its working again.. i had to remove RCSBuildAid and CapCom, when i have only 1 of them it will not work, when i uninstall both it works
  4. i did both, ingame its just no clouds but the rest is okay, menu nothing inflight map view normal flight view
  5. here are screenshots from ingame menu and my folder but idk where i can get logs when there is no error ingame gamedata
  6. no i dont do that, i jsut tried eve to see if this is working.. as soon as i do the installation of your mod (first scatterer and kopernicus, then your SVE folder wth the scatterer eve and stuff) it dosent work how can i give you logs? there are no errors its just loading the normal graphics
  7. i did, still the same. when i am using scatterer and the normal EVE it works but when i do the installation of yours it didnt work.. i did it like the other guy told me and its not working..
  8. okay emm yeah.. i dont know why but my clouds and stuff are gone.. i installed some contract mods but nothing else.. its just like normal ksp graphics now but the visual mods are still in the ksp gamedata folder
  9. i installed all 3 mods (eve scaterer and SVE) now without ckan, its still like this in the main menu but ingame its better but not like the pictures...
  10. i have some issues.. its just not looking like in the videos or the screenshots.. here are some of my screens so you can maybe help me Main Menu 1 Main Menu 2 Tracking Station in flight 1 in flight 2 in flight 3 map view in orbit i hope you can help me to get this like in the videos or the screenshots.
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