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Everything posted by Kotagi

  1. Is there any way to get the rss map instead of kerbin? Also your awesome for keeping this going. Is there any way to have an external way to access your map and move maneuver nodes like in KERD. I feel like that's all this is really missing. I don't know if that's possible. I'm starting to build a simulator in my extra bedroom. Planning on making it fully enclosed 2 man "shuttle" with 2 pilots chairs and a tracking station. Being able to access the map and edit maneuver nodes on an external screen would be amazing in this situation. Keep up the great work. Also I don't know if you have yet, but I would set up a page to take donations, I wouldn't mind supporting the development of this while it's being worked on.
  2. I would sell my left leg to get this mod back up and running. Being able use the map on another screen would be amazing. Please get this mod back up someone
  3. The post your referring to someone asked a question that had been previously answered repeatedly within a few pages. I, like you, know that repeatedly asked questions waste the modders time. But I'm pretty sure I'm not asking about a setting that was just answered a page ago. I have my copy working. With the amount of pics and videos that get released for this mod since the update, you would think someone could have released a copy with at least a few steps to get it working already done. People keep saying be patient while posting pics and videos of the mod working albeit with some bugs. Even if it's a temporary fix, just updating the OP would be amazing. Getting people excited for a mod like this by posting pics and videos,whether doing it for free or not, and then reprimanding them for following this forum and asking questions seems counter-intuitive. I know this is alot of work. And I greatly appreciate the modder's doing it for free. Tbh. I would pay for this mod. It's that awesome. But not every person who plays this game has a computer degree. BTW. I'm tired of every time someone asks a question, they are the "detrimental to modder's work" lol. Your in a forum. About the mod. And the OP HASN'T BEEN UPDATED. Expect questions. It's only logical.
  4. It sure seems like this is never getting updated. Been patiently waiting for months. I don't understand why we can't get a version released with all the 1000 different fixes already done instead of having to read every page to find all these settings
  5. You really should read a couple pages before asking something that literally gets asked every day. Not trying to be rude but it gets redundant. There is a search option in the forum.
  6. I really can't wait for this mod. I hope it gets updated soon..
  7. Yes eve updated and now that is the result. If you go back 1 version of eve it should work. I got this solution to work. When eve updated I tried updating it and got the same result. So like I said. Try the version previous to the one that just came out if possible. Thats what worked for me.
  8. I was wondering if there is a fix for my buildings floating. And rovers sinking into the ground. All stock parts.
  9. I agree I was just wondering. The previous comment was confusing. I did change the planet names in sve so at least I have clouds for now but they do not look good from low orbit. I don't think they are scaled right but I'm fairly new to this so I will just wait. I'm just happy we finally have a stable 64bit game and everytime I see him post a pic of a new planet he is working on I get more excited. Keep up the good work. Thank you again. I was not trying to rush you by any means.
  10. So I'm confused. Do we have a working version for 1.1? I can wait. Thank you so much for all your hard work. This mod takes the cake.
  11. I cant seem to get back into any of my ships by switching to them when orbiting kerbin. The only thing I can do is launch another ship to the station. Has anyone found a workaround? I never use the tracking station. I launch a probe core and use the map. It crashes my game everytime while only using 50% memory. Probes around other bodies seem to work and very small probes around kerbin seem to work but anything big or complex seem to crash. Running 64 bit, besides this, it works perfectly and looks beautiful.
  12. So first off. I love your mod. Is there a way to remove the ocean that it changed to? The original ocean on rss is clear and looks real. Everything else gets better looking but the water turns to a light blue that isnt very pleasing to the eye. Is there any way to fix this? Fixed by deleting the ocean settings in the terrain config in the rve folder.
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