Greetings All,
Whilst mucking around with rototrons for a tilt rotor style craft, I found something that might interest modders and players alike.
It seems that the flexing about the rototron caused by the thrust could be reduced by making the vector for a given engine pod pass through the rototron's attachment node - the node closest to the root part. Basically, reducing the torque about the rotortrons attachment node. Obviously the next part along starts to bend now, but struts sort that out. Does that make sense?
In my case I just clipped the engine into the rototron, something I suspect will cause problems later. Granted, this was built and measured by 'calibrated' eyeball, but my flying machine was definitely less floppy.
All this got me thinking, what if there was a IR joint that had the nodes positioned so that the thrust from an attached engine did not create a torque about the other node on the part? Or is there one already, hiding from me.
Hopefully the pretty picture works. Each side of the tester is identical, except that the less bendy one has been clipped into the rototron.