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Everything posted by akaryumc

  1. Hey, getting 4 fatal errors. Not really sure how to post this, so I apologize in advance if I make any mistakes or anything out of the ordinary. Anyway, here's the log.
  2. Aww... really? so nothing I can do? Bummer.... Well... I guess I'm back to my regular play-through until then. Thanks a lot though!
  3. Ok, so I tried what you gave me. Changed some numbers around, but the kerbals still die from a sub-orbital reentry. I don't make it to orbit. I try and angle the pod down to generate a bit of lift but it is not always possible. The crew always dies from G-force overload. This feels a bit broken. I don't know what to do. // Physics Overrides & Settings @REENTRY_EFFECTS[Default]:Final { %crewGClamp = 30 %crewGPower = 2 %crewGMin = 0 %crewGWarn = 450 %crewGLimit = 1800 %crewGKillChance = 0.01 %ridiculousMaxTemp = 1523.15 %maxTempScale = 0.5 } That's what I set the numbers to. And this is inside the DeadlyReentry folder inside GameData as DeadlyReentryOverrides.cfg I appreciate any help!
  4. Great, Thank you very much! I'm going to try this out. I really appreciate it.
  5. Oh ok, that would explain why that doesn't work then. Thank you! Ok so... I can open DeadlyReentry.cfg and find this: // Physics Overrides & Settings REENTRY_EFFECTS { name = Default ridiculousMaxTemp = 1523.15 maxTempScale = 0.5 } Do I just add what you typed in there or how do I change those settings? Because I can't find exactly what you typed. Sorry I'm not as savvy with coding as I would like.
  6. Hi, I cannot access the setup window using alt+d+r.... I'm very frustrated, what can I do? I want to change some settings around.
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