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Everything posted by Pedronaut

  1. I also use MechJeb for most of the things. I kind of understand that people don't like it, but space agencies also use their own MechJeb How many degrees, to be more precise?
  2. No. I keep them straight until the gravity turn
  3. Hi, everyone. This is my second time posting here and I need some help. I cannot reach orbit with the Slim Shuttle nor the Dynawing. Both of them run of of fuel before orbit. Please help me. Thanks
  4. Sorry, first post on this forum. Still learning how things work
  5. Hello, everyone. This is my first post here and I come to show you my latest creation. I've put a good amount of time thinking on how I was going to do this, and I made an imitation of a glider the most realistic way as I could. As per say, it glides and does not have motors. It takes off from the runway attached to the back of a two engined jet by a Separatron. When in cruising altitude, the jet decouples from the glider. Both the jet and the glider have capacity to one Kerbal. I've flown them a lot and, when deployed at 10,000 meters, the glider gets up to 10 minutes of flight time. The jet is a bit more powerful than I expected; When still carrying the glider and climbing in vertical position, the speed still increases. I've deployed it from different altitudes and landed in different places, such as the KSC, the small island and the ocean. All landings were successful, but it is needed to land at less than 80m/s due to the high amount of lift that the glider generates. Craft file, if anyone is interested: http://kerbalx.com/pedrocoelho/Glider
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