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  1. STEREO-1 is a rocket-plane that transports kerbonauts to space and glides back to kerbin, the glider is called: STRATO, and the transport stage: KEPLER
  2. As we all know here, Ingenuity became the first aircraft to achieve powered flight on Mars. It also became the first rotorcraft to fly on another celestial body. NASA, however, did consider winged aircraft first. There was ARES proposal that was ultimately abandoned in favor of Mars Phoenix program. There were Earth high-altitude research drones with adorable name "Mini-Sniffers" (pictured below) that could theoretically be adapted for Mars flight. And there is also a prototype solar glider Sky-Sailor developed by ETH Zürich that could be developed into a fully fledged mission if funding is provided Thankfully, we are not limited by either budget or feasibility of such missions in KSP and, therefore, for this challenge, we will develop a Duna airplane Mission Profile: The plane will be stored inside a fairing and launched from Kerbin towards Duna. After reaching Duna, the plane will separate from main rocket and enter the planet's atmosphere and glide as far as it can before it either crashes or lands softly on the surface Construction Rules: Only Stock parts are allowed, for both Plane and the Launch Vehicle Plane must be able to fit inside a 3.75 meter fairing. Fairing can NOT be made wider than its base, which means you will need to get creative with wing shapes or robotics in order to make the Plane fit Plane must be either an unpowered glider or be powered by electric props. Depending on that, your submission will be labeled either Unpowered or Powered Plane can be either Manned or Unmanned, that is up to your preferences If the Plane is Manned, the Kerbals aboard must survive the landing. Whether you choose to bail out and pull the parachute, attempt a soft landing or use the plane as an impact absorber is up to you, as long as all kerbals survive If the Plane is Unmanned, your save file must have CommNet enabled like on Normal difficulty. Don't forget to put an antenna on the Plane and couple of relays around Duna beforehand Plane cannot have any means to recharge its batteries: no solar panels/fuel cells/RTGs and whatnot With that being said, you can keep the Plane fully charged for the transfer from Kerbin to Duna. Just make sure all recharging means are discarded before atmospheric flight phase Launch Vehicle must use 3.75 meter fairing to store the Plane Significant part clipping is only allowed for Plane fuselage optimizations. Minor part clipping of wings and control surfaces of the Plane is allowed, but don't overdo it. No part clipping for Launch Vehicles EDIT: I think the thread name already makes it pretty clear, but just in case: the Plane must have wing parts. Wingless gliders won't be accepted Specific requirements for Powered submissions: Plane can only use no more than 100 electric charge to power the props. Rest of the flight must be performed unpowered Props can NOT be offset in any way. Prop offsetting can significantly reduce energy usage to the point of actually generating electric charge, essentially making an infiniglider. So, for the purpose of fairness, props can only be placed "normally" without additional fine adjustments Challenge rules: The whole stack must be launched from KSC Only the Plane is allowed to enter Duna's atmosphere: non-essential equipment like transfer stages must be detached before atmospheric entry. You are, however, ALLOWED to do a braking burn and even enter Duna's orbit altogether if you want to, as long as you don't skim the atmosphere while doing it. As soon as you're ready for the Duna flight, all non-essential equipment must be discarded After entering the atmosphere, you are NOT allowed to escape back to space: once you're in - you're gliding through the air until the end There will be three scoring criteria: weight of the Plane, weight of the entire Launch Stack and Distance travelled. You must include a screenshot of the first two criteria from VAB/SPH with data shown, some screenshots from the mission itself and a final screenshot of the landing site. Third criteria might be tricky to measure in pure stock KSP, so I recommend Persistent Trails that can track your flight trajectory and distance : just start logging your glide as soon as you hit Duna's atmosphere and then make a screenshot of your travelled distance. Alternatively, you can try out @linuxgurugamer's edit of Persistent Trails: this one will start recording automatically as soon as you enter the atmosphere! Third option, if you prefer to play without mods, is to use KerbNet to mark your entry point and then calculate the distance by hand (check @18Watt's submissions for an example on how to do it) Speaking of mods: Mods that affect gameplay (physics changes or new parts) are not allowed. Information mods like KER and graphics mods are allowed Submissions: OJT Unpowered, Unmanned. Plane Mass - 931 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 66.439 tons; Distance - 596.421 km Unpowered, Manned (2 Kerbals). Plane Mass - 1722 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 62.794 tons; Distance - 754.295 km Unpowered, Unmanned. Plane Mass - 707 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 61.325 tons; Distance - 24478.43 km 18Watt Powered, Unmanned. Plane Mass - 804 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 125.562 tons; Distance - 1189.709 km Powered, Unmanned. Plane Mass - 804 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 125.662 tons; Distance - 1509.905 km Unpowered, Manned (1 Kerbal). Plane Mass - 1188 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 126.188 tons; Distance - 12593.132 km Powered, Manned (1 Kerbal). Plane Mass - 1435 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 66.82 tons; Distance - 1946.392 km linuxgurugamer Unpowered, Unmanned. Plane Mass - 4330 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 418.639 tons; Distance - 1808.855 km Unpowered, Unmanned. Plane Mass - 4330 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 418.639 tons; Distance - 2792.045 km kerbalboi Unpowered, Unmanned. Plane Mass - 1065 kg; Launch Stack Mass - 235.333 tons; Distance - 9148.058 km Good luck!
  3. THE MULLETEX MISSIONS A MISSION REPORT THREAD FOR THE LUNEX CHALLENGE THREAD I haven't played KSP since August 2019. My last mission was an Elcano of Duna, along with a Von Braun of Duna and fly by return to Kerbin via Eve. Given I hadn't booted up KSP in anger in well over a year (and its been a rough year or two) I trawled the forums and happened across the Lunex Challenge thread. Its something very familiar to me as a one time (Self considered) Shuttle connoisseur and I thought it'd give me a nice easy route back into playing the game again that wouldn't put me off, and hopefully brings me back to this great community a little. I probably like a lot of people need a little more support than normal, and this is one small way I can do that, by being a part of something I've previously enjoyed immensely. Without further ado, here's the first mission. Lunex Mission 1 and 2 can be flown as one mission, so I took the opportunity to knock both out at the same time. As usual the link to the full mission report (written up) is in the title, and I've pulled a few select pictures out so as not to clog up the page with too many images. Mission Log 1 - Lunex Missions 1 and 2: Full Mission Report Image captured by way-to-close-bodyne The nearly 700t beast lumbers into the air. Originally designed without fairings but too unstable to fly, the Mulletex is...interestingly shaped. None the less, fly it does. Probodobodyne drone-bodobodyne launch photography is dangerous, but exquisite. The rocket uses 3 stages to get to orbit. Firstly the solid boosters stage, followed by the core. At this stage the rocket is fully expendable apart from the Mulletex glider. That could change in later missions though. Finally the 3rd stage all but completes circularisation before being de-orbited. The 4th, kicker stage ignites briefly to complete the launch. Image courtesy of Mullet-Dyne Very standard operations set up the Mulletex for its trip to the Mun. On its way "up" we get a chance to see the revamped textures for the first time from any altitude. Image captured by Snapfan Kerman. Copyright Mullet Dyne 2020 all rights reserved. Yes that's right, I'm still in orbit since the last mission. Still here. Rescue me.....PLEASE! Once in the vicinity of the Mun, the kicker stage which did the grunt work getting the Mulletex to Mun is nearly expended. Its last act is to achieve capture before it is staged away to forever orbit the Mun. Future missions might well add enough fuel to make sure the stage can either crash into the surface, or kick itself out to a solar orbit. On the surface the Mulletex system is capable, and cutting edge. Auto levelling landing legs (lie) ensure the ship always remains completely vertical and stable. The rover lowers from the cargo bay on a telescopic piston, and apart from a small accident with the brakes on the rover not being set resulting in a chase, everything goes perfectly. Valentina visits two different science locations on the rim of the crater, and the base of the crater. Science is done, people are happy. Image captured by the latest camera offering from C7 Aerospace Image reproduced with kind permission of....wait, we don't need permission. Here's a photo. Look at it! Once the ground operations are complete its time for Valentina to return home. First the rover is stored back up inside the base for future use if anyone visits again. The base is capable of delivering long term power to the rover, as well as protecting it from damage by the harsh Mmunar environment. Then the Mulletex uses its RE-L10 Poodle engine to lift off and return home. Aerocapture is achieved, followed by 2 further aerobraking passes before EDL is performed. Once the final EDL is started, the Mulletex cannot re-ignite its Poodle engine, so it must complete a highly accurate de-orbit if it is to hit the runway at KSC. Luckily, everything goes well apart from a hair raising moment with a large explosion caused by one of the RCS ports letting go on impact with the runway. Dinkelstein Kerman likes low riders too much.... Over-all a highly successful return to KSP after more than a year out! What a joy to be playing this game again, and hopefully its not a year until I fly my next mission this time. Mulletex performed well, but as I get my eye back into the engineering side of things, there are already areas that I can see need some improvement. Ride height for one . Welcome back me !!! SM
  4. Stock Glider Catalogue Although KSP lacks wind and thermals, or indeed any means to actually maintain altitude in a glider without self-propelling, I have still found a tremendous amount of fun in building "sailplanes", aircraft with very low stall speeds and very good glide ratios. I think there's a lot of fun to be had in throwing them off cliffs and seeing how far it's possible to go, or what dangerous aerobatics you can perform. Thus, I present the Greenhayes Aircraft Glider Catalogue: four different sailplanes, each with their own handling characteristics and visual appeal. General Advice As a rule of thumb, the best fun can be had when you launch your gliders off a large hill or mountain. A good starting point is the mountain range east of the Kerbal Space Centre - you can use the new "Set Position" cheat to place your craft on the perfect peak. All of the gliders in the catalogue come equipped with three glide extension rockets (or a reusable self-sustaining rocket on the "Stork"), mapped to the space bar. These are to be used at your leisure - to gain speed before maneuvering, or to gain a little bit of altitude and go further, or even to take off from level ground - the choice is yours. An important difference that the gliders show from normal KSP aircraft is their tandem landing gear - they will rest with one wingtip on the ground before takeoff. Thus, it is very important to keep the wings level on takeoff and landing, to avoid any crashes. Remember to start trying to level out as soon as your aircraft begins to move! Greenhayes Model 16 "Cumulus" The Cumulus is a fairly docile, easy-to-handle two-seater with three pairs of Glide Extension RocketsTM strapped to the side, so that you can get yourself out of a pickle, or self-launch in a hurry. Recommended for beginners and for long, calm flights. The wheels don't retract on this one - no need to remember to put the gear down. Greenhayes Model 33 "Vulture" y The Vulture is a single-seat, tailless glider with excellent acrobatic potential - it is highly maneuverable on the pitch axis, and will flip around quite easily due to its wing configuration. It is Be gentle on takeoff and particularly landing, as the fragile fuselage is easily damaged. Not recommended for beginners, but good fun in experienced hands. Greenhayes Model 05 "Seagull" The Seagull is one of the first gliders built at Greenhayes, and its handling reflects its age - very stable, with a good glide ratio and a low top speed. The rudder on this glider is particularly powerful - use it in your aerobatics, or to keep your turns coordinated. Greenhayes Model 15 "Stork" The Stork is a durable, high-performance single-seat sailplane which can be put to just about any use the pilot wants. This is the only glider of the catalogue to feature permanent self-launch engines and flaps, allowing experienced pilots to control their approach speed and angle. Flaps are mapped to Action Group 1. Download link for all four gliders: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10FbzVH22yt68R8dIGcphNB6VCL_8YvcM?usp=sharing
  5. This is an Idea i have had pretty good luck with in the past so.... why not make a game out of it? Rules: 1- All Propulsion must be provided in space of Runway 2- Only Stock, no mods (other than aesthetic) or DLC 3- Glider must have no propulsion past the Runway 4- Glider must survive the Landing 5- Glider must be manned. If you want to mosey on in post in this format: *Picture* Glider Name Time in air Form of propulsion And that's it, have fun, any questions about rules just comment.
  6. hi everybody, quick question: What is an appropriate wing surface to mass ratio in order to glide towards a proper landing zone on Eve with a space plane?
  7. A few days ago I built a glider in KSP. Pretty awesome at fist, but it got boring after 3 flights or so because there was no way of staying in the air without descending. So I started thinking: "What if weather, wind, turbulences and thermics was added into the game?" This is basically what this suggestion is. Weather, wind and thermics. This would give gliders a sence and make the game more chalenging, for example when you want to land on Duna or Eve, but there's a storm underneath you or if you want to launch a rocket. Would you like to see a feature like this in the game? (And yes, I know that there is a mod that adds wind, but it's pretty Basic.)
  8. Sir George Cayley Glider Often I like to reflect back to the early days of flying to educate myself a little about these Aeronautic Pioneers. Today I would like to show some honor to Sir George Cayley. In 1799 he set forth the concept of the modern Aeroplane as a fixed-wing flying machine with separate systems for lift, propulsion, and control. Straight out of Jebediah's Junk Yard is what I'd like to say about this craft, although the craft will give you the sensation of how fun flying these early craft must have been, well somewhat! Powered by two Juno Engines and controlled by Elevons and Conards. Thanks for checking out my latest build and I hope you enjoy it until my next Pioneer's Craft Build. More Pictures here Flight Operation: *** IMPORTANT TO SWITCH CONTROL TO THE OKTO2 TO FLY *** Use SAS, full throttle, lift near 60 m/s is working nice but less or more speed could be done. Craft File: Sir George Cayley Glider Parts: 150 Mass: 5.060t Height: 5.8m Width: 9.4m Length: 12.8m
  9. So, I know this may seem a little silly, but I would deeply thank someone if they could be able to create a glider cockpit? Or like a parts mod for gliders, since the stock/modded cockpits are either for Space Shuttles, or jet fighters. By the way, here's a picture for reference.
  10. [Stock] Extremely long range glider. This is a stock glider that is able to traverse the planet with ease and let you explore the wonders of Kerbin. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Specs: Parts: 42 Dry Mass: 8.501t Wet Mass: 14.502t (Not Incl. Monoprop. 14.532t with it ) Height: 3.9m Width: 31.6m (Wingspan) Length: 10.4m _________________________________________________________________________________________ Manoeuvrability: Slow on the roll and yaw but very stable. Structure: Due to the flapping (and breaking) of the wings I referenced the Kerbal term. and that is what i did. What do you know, the wings don't flap (or break)! This is my first craft btw. Enjoy! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B34aBprlvKOWbEsyM3ZGMEtIWVk ^^^Link for craft file here^^^
  11. Hello, everyone. This is my first post here and I come to show you my latest creation. I've put a good amount of time thinking on how I was going to do this, and I made an imitation of a glider the most realistic way as I could. As per say, it glides and does not have motors. It takes off from the runway attached to the back of a two engined jet by a Separatron. When in cruising altitude, the jet decouples from the glider. Both the jet and the glider have capacity to one Kerbal. I've flown them a lot and, when deployed at 10,000 meters, the glider gets up to 10 minutes of flight time. The jet is a bit more powerful than I expected; When still carrying the glider and climbing in vertical position, the speed still increases. I've deployed it from different altitudes and landed in different places, such as the KSC, the small island and the ocean. All landings were successful, but it is needed to land at less than 80m/s due to the high amount of lift that the glider generates. Craft file, if anyone is interested: http://kerbalx.com/pedrocoelho/Glider
  12. Let me introduce workhorse of kerbal space program - passenger space plane "Bor". It is almost perfect solution for transporting crew/tourists to Kerbin orbit and back, after refueling you can simply reach Mun/Minmus orbit or surface. Comfortable in flight, cheap, fast and compact, you can order this piece of engineering art in our company "Blue "Whale for only 21 977 kerbucks (flight cost is only 5444 kerbucks). Brief stats: Mass on launchpad / empty craft: 33t / 4.5t Details on launchpad / in space plane: 36 / 27 dV on orbit 100x100 km / fully fueled: 600+ / 2164 m/s Passengers/crew: up to 4 (can flight in full automatic mode) Rocket powered ascent / unpowered descent without parachutes (water landing without damages also possibly) Take craft for test flights you can here: http://kerbalx.com/Mesklin/Bor-Shuttle
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