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Everything posted by gtvpo

  1. Man, these RCS blocks need to be stock. I suck at docking but having access to the additional accuracy and power is so useful. And that 90* angle linear 7 is the most useful thing I've seen in a long time for Munar/Minmur (Minmur? Whatever, minmus) landers.
  2. I, too, would love to see the 1.875 meter engines. I think they'd go great in the 45 science bracket, since having parts large enough for a single-stack lunar mission would be great for part count. Especially if there were a payload fairing adapter (Re-scaled AE-FF1 with a structural adapter down to 1.25m?) to go with the parts. Could be cool! If you do make all the parts for 1.875, be sure to remember the important bits, like the fairings, docking ports and reaction wheels. Even if there isn't a capsule, those will be useful and probably pretty simple to make (Considering that it's a rescale and copy-paste of a stock part away. But then again, what do I know, I've never made a mod for KSP! :P) Anyway, I can't wait to see what this turns into!
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