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Everything posted by Sarge00Seven

  1. Currently I have developed a craft with a 3 launch stack with 4 modules including from back to front a cryogenic RP-1/LOX first stage to begin the Trans-Venus injection burn, a service module with a hypergolic fuel supply which also housed the majority of the electrical system, an inflatable habitation module based on Bigelow Aerospace's Sundancer, and finally a Dragon V2 for the Earth Return Vehicle. This is designed to support 2 people for a 590 day trajectory that was produced by JPL, utilizing a rocket assisted gravity slingshot around both Venus and Mars and then finally back to Earth. In addition, I was thinking that the craft itself should always need to keep its engine facing the sun so that a water layer could be kept between the astronauts and the solar radiation without needing to completely surround the ship. I'm working on a CAD model that I can post when it's done. Thanks for the feedback guys.
  2. Hello guys, this is my first post and I'm sorry if this is misplaced, but I have been developing a Manned spacecraft for a dual Venus/Mars Flyby. However I've hit a few roadblocks and hoping that some people in this forum would be capable of helping me. I have no idea how to calculate the amount of RCS fuel that I would need for the spacecraft for such a long mission (almost 600 days). Can anyone help me on how I could calculate it? I'm familiar with using delta V and Isp to figure out the amount of fuel I would need, but I'm totally at a loss for this. Also if anyone has any ideas on what experiments could be done on a manned deep space habitat, please feel free to post them. Thank you guys and I hope that this isn't misplaced.
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