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Everything posted by alex50caliber

  1. Mira que el ángulo entre Kerbin y Duna, así como la dirección con los que sales de la esfera de influencia de Kerbin sean correctos, porque 9600 m/s de dV es una pasada. No vendría mal una foto/descripción de la nava que estás construyendo.
  2. Thanks! Yes I am still learning how to do the most efficient ascent profile. I will try to squeeze in more deltaV (maybe switching the configuration to have less liquid fuel and more oxidizer) and to try to have a high AP before making the closed cycle burn. I am planning on using it as crew transfer from a LKO space station below, and work on an M model that can reach the Mun.
  3. I've been reading the forum lately and I got myself wondering if a noob like myself would be able to complete the K-Prize challende. I designed a quick SSTO (the Ampsk-1S) and tried to get into orbit and land on the runway. I ended up landing at night and overshooting the target for a couple of kilometers. Here is the video of the mission: And the uncut version, 20 min long:
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