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Everything posted by Tabasco

  1. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! Tab PS: I forgot to put a tag before the title, I'd love if someone with the necessary mod power did this for me. Thanks in advance!
  2. I've been playing quite a bit with KSP and lately I had (almost) no accidents. However, one of my latest flights got a bit out of control. In the end it turned out to be an interesting adventure and luckily I had the whole flight recorded. So after cutting it I made a (hopefully) watchable video with some story telling. Here is the first part, please take it lightly and enjoy: Tabasco
  3. MoX industries apologizes for any inconvenience that emerges when flying our crafts, including suddenly emerging fireballs, of course. We are grateful for any feedback we get, this way we\'ll be able to provide better crafts in the future. We are already working on new versions of the released designs and of course new crafts are on their way as well. This is partly necessary because some stability issues and the soon to be fixed fuel consumption bug that was introduced with the 0.16 release. We\'re hoping to have the re-designed crafts ready right after the fuel bug is fixed. Have fun! Tabasco
  4. @Ghery88 Monolit mini-spoiler: Igen, pontosan olyat keressél
  5. @Ghery88 Köszönöm
  6. A rend kedvéért én is bejelentkezem. Elég régóta játszogatok már, meg nézem a fórumot, de ritkán posztolok. A világért sem er?ltetem, de ha van kedvetek, akkor vessetek egy pillantást a videómra. Van benne holdra szállás, ?rrandevú, ?rséta két ?rhajó között és hazatérés a KSC kifutóra egy ?rsiklóval: Ha van bármi kérdésetek a videóval, man?verekkel kapcsolatban, akkor írjatok! Tabasco
  7. Hmm, can you please provide some more details? My recommendation for take off is to place throttle at the 2/3 mark and accelerate till you reach 100 m/s velocity. Once you decouple the boosters, adjust throttle to keep your velocity at 100 m/s or slightly above. You\'ll have to gradually decrease throttle as you get into thinner atmosphere and your craft gets lighter. Once you are past 10.000 m the throttle setting should be slightly below 1/2. Even so you should slowly gain vertical velocity. Keep these settings till you reach the desired height for a horizontal transition. I don\'t recommend using greater than 2/3 throttle ever with the big engines as they are simply too powerful and might tear the craft apart. Thanks for your feedback! Tab
  8. Let me introduce myself: I\'m one of the test pilots of MoX industries, the one who is flying Selene One and the Deneb Kaitos in the above video. I see that our crafts have already a couple of downloads and that made me happy. If you have any questions about the crafts like how to get efficiently to orbit or how to re-enter atmosphere safely then please contact costumer support on this forum, and I\'ll be right with you sharing my experiences. Also you are very welcome and encouraged to leave any feedback regarding our designs so we can improve them and provide upgrades. Tabasco
  9. Here is a Mun adventure which includes visiting a Munolith (location not spoiled), orbital rendezvous above the Mun and landing at KSC with the boarded shuttle craft: Enjoy! Tab
  10. I might add that this ship handles remarkably well upon re-entering atmosphere. I\'ve returned after a Minmus landing two times already (once without ASAS) with this craft and landed properly in the vicinity of KSC (although I didn\'t have enough fuel left to make it to the runway). Tabasco
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