I was going to Bop when i decided to go to Kerbin in the Map view where i saw that all of my orbiting Space Craft up to about 600,000m had gone. I had one spacecraft left which was at 2,300,000m. I had many things in orbit, the best was my big Space Station. I don't mind about my small probes but i do want my Space Station back. The Station was at a normal 150,000m orbit around the equator of Kerbin and i don't know why it has gone.
I tried restarting KSP and that didn't do anything, I don't want to loose all of my spacecraft. I didn't add or remove any mods between the time of leaving for Bop and arriving at Bop so i don't know why. I have things in orbit of other planets and moon but they are still there, even ones around the Mun but all the ones at Kerbin are gone.
Can any one help me and tell me why they are gone and how to get them back.