I would like to mention a few things and inigma if this is not the time or place, be honest like i know you will. first i am not a ksp modder but I know the time and dedication it takes to build a cipher and code. https://github.com/KSP-SpaceDock/SpaceDock/wiki/SpaceDock-Team has worked endlessly to help the ksp community have a better game play experience. Two, I am sure (I use GitHub only) that some mods are being used by other players or being post to other sites without prior knowledge to the original designer and according to http://www.spacedock.info/privacy statement they can and will ban you from the site if you fail to follow the terms. I do my part by calling out others that try to take my codes (i.e. programs, cipher, data) I would suggest modders to due the same.