Ok. I have a silly questions now, would be nice if someone could answer: where do I put the textures? should I just drop the folder RSS-Textures in the GameData folder (which is what I tried first), should I drop it in the HalfRSS folder or should I individually put the EarthColor.dds etc in the HalfRSS/Planets/Earth folder? If so, where do I put the PluginData and CTTP folders?
EDIT: Nevermind, I just dropped it again in the GameData folder and it worked. Nice very happy to see. Strange that it did not work with CKAN, but glad to see that it works like this at least, have been looking forward to this mod .
(none of my business, but maybe if others have a problem with the CKAN install as well (maybe I just goofed somewhere? though I did it multiple times, but anyway), maybe a small alert in the OP might be handy? Just a suggestion.)