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Everything posted by Hamster123

  1. Ok. I have a silly questions now, would be nice if someone could answer: where do I put the textures? should I just drop the folder RSS-Textures in the GameData folder (which is what I tried first), should I drop it in the HalfRSS folder or should I individually put the EarthColor.dds etc in the HalfRSS/Planets/Earth folder? If so, where do I put the PluginData and CTTP folders? Cheers. EDIT: Nevermind, I just dropped it again in the GameData folder and it worked. Nice very happy to see. Strange that it did not work with CKAN, but glad to see that it works like this at least, have been looking forward to this mod . (none of my business, but maybe if others have a problem with the CKAN install as well (maybe I just goofed somewhere? though I did it multiple times, but anyway), maybe a small alert in the OP might be handy? Just a suggestion.)
  2. I have all that installed. I had a clean KSP install (I deleted it and checked the integrity via steam) and then installed this mod using CKAN, which installed all the other mods itself, except for the module manager for some reason which I then downloaded manually. Then the game started crashing. Edit: The following folders were in the GameData folder: HalfRSS Kopernicus RSS-Textures Squad and the following files: ModuleManager.2.6.25.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree
  3. Does this mod work with version 1.1.3.(1289)? I have installed it using CKAN (which was a success, I checked the log) as the only mod (+ v2.6.25 of module manager) and the game crashes just as everything is loaded, but before the menu screen comes up. Anyone know why? Is this normal? What is the last version this works with and does anyone know how to download it? Cheers.
  4. Fair enough x4 is better then x1 indeed its 4 times better, but kinda lacking compared to x100000. Also, not sure if it makes ion engines explode, but it certainly makes a lot of ships explode :). Anyway, cheers.
  5. First of all thanks for the answer. I tried the solar sails, it's in the interstellar mods, but they do not accelerate when you time warp. They do accelerate your ship even when your thrust is at 0, if you have the sails out, but as soon as you increase time speed, they seemingly do not accelerate anymore. Maybe I have not figured it out yet... Really hope that the devs will do something about it, since waiting for hours is not that much fun :/. If anyone has any other suggestions, I would welcome them too. Cheers.
  6. Hi all. I am new so sorry if this is the wrong part of the forum. My question is the following: Using Ion drives (and similar drives from mods), that have high ISP but low thrust, I have a pretty obvious problem. Often it takes sever hours to accelerate to the speed I want to ti fly at. I can not time warp (I can with alt+ . but that is close to useless and also can explode the craft), not even with small tricks like chaning vessels. If I do that and increase time speed, then the ion engine vessel shuts down. Is there a way around that? Any mod maybe, or something else. I dont mind if the game becomes a little inacure because of that. But its just furstrating without. Cheers.
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