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  1. Question: Would you like to post some form of description, for those of us in the room who don't already know, of what exactly it is that's in this mod? Like, in detail?
  2. I've been building a large station in the VAB for most of this update with the intention of adding to it in orbit with KIS. It's taken me a while, partly because I've been having issues with the editor forgetting I just loaded several dozen objects into my large storage container. However, I'm behind on KIS updates at the moment, so I'm sure that's the issue or something else my fault. The problem I have for the room is a very minor one, which is that when I finally pulled the trigger on this project and hyperedited it into orbit, I found that my Kerbals' helmet lamps weren't working. I double checked my controls, and I was using the right key. I figure that this is one of two mods I have (the other being the improved portrait stats one) that affects the Kerbals themselves, and far more directly, so it makes sense that it might be something to do with KIS. Does anybody know if this is the case?
  3. Actually, nevermind, I found that, now I just have to figure out which way I wanna play this, whether I want to rename the song I want and replace the current one, or change what the code tells it to play, or what.
  4. Can Anyone on here tell me where to find out how to change what song the boombox/ghetto blaster/whatever plays? I know it has to be .ogg format, I have the song in .ogg format, I just need to know where to stick the file, and the manual says nothing of the sort and the wiki is all about the code and I find github wikis completely incomprehensible because as cool as it would be, I have neither the technical knowledge nor the attention span to parse them.
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