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Posts posted by battlekruiser

  1. STS2a / fail-ish STS2b

    They won't need their fuel since it's contaminated, right?


    STS-9 is the gateway to interplanetary greatness.  Go get me a potato!

    So STS-3 or 8 are not enough to go beyond LKO yet? 

    Also, may I launch pod for 2b mission via normal rocket? Please? Original one was alunched with shuttle and even recovered non-damaged.

  2. On 20.02.2016 at 0:22 PM, battlekruiser said:

    I have similar problem. When I click on "transmit data" it acts just like it's really transmitting (power consumption, time, antenna moving) but no science is granted. When I unfold tab displaying money, it then says zero money and a blank window for science. This seems to happen when I load quicksaves and possibly when I cross SOI, so reloading save fixes it most of the time (also fixed transmission is like 5 times or so faster than broken) though I have some craft on moho orbit which don't seem to fix. Science labs works mostly good. Save is good old, so new game is unwanted solution.

    For some reason, my bugged Moho satellite became fixed when I set anthenna to "require complete" option. Will have to investigate that.


    Switching it back to "allow partioal" mode made it bugged again, and next switch didn't work. It seems that Alt+Tab is messing with it too. At this point, reloading a quicksave seems to fix it, but not always.


    I've moved from fullscreen mode to windiwed and from x64 "patch" to normal. For now, it ssems fine.

  3. I have similar problem. When I click on "transmit data" it acts just like it's really transmitting (power consumption, time, antenna moving) but no science is granted. When I unfold tab displaying money, it then says zero money and a blank window for science. This seems to happen when I load quicksaves and possibly when I cross SOI, so reloading save fixes it most of the time (also fixed transmission is like 5 times or so faster than broken) though I have some craft on moho orbit which don't seem to fix. Science labs works mostly good. Save is good old, so new game is unwanted solution.

    Game version 1.0.5, 64-bit.

    Mods installed: Toolbar plugin, Ambient light adjustment, Community resource pack, CrossFeed Enabler, Interstellar Fuel Switch, Kerbal attachment system, Kerbal Engineer redux, Kerbal joint reinforcement, Kerbal inventory system, Infernal robotics, OpenResourceSystem, Planetshine, Precise node, RCS sounds, TAC Life support, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Tweakscale, ModuleManager, Persistent thrust, solar sail navigation plugin and KSP Interstellar extended.


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