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  1. if the problem is the writing permissions the problem isn't of ksp. if you can't get modify the files in the directory where ksp is installated remove it and reinstall it in another directory (like C:/KSP or another you create). This problem can be present theorically also on other windows versions and like other already said it's a lack of privilege of the current user (not a administrator-level user but a limitated one). Hope it's clear
  2. If i'm not wrong you can scan and then export to file different maps using SCANsat in game. And take a look also at: http://www.kerbalmaps.com/
  3. Thank you for the answer. I haven't played stock for a while and i get used to things like full return with transmission and different scale of power consumption
  4. In RSS you can also "virtually" use real datas and trajectories (or at least some planetary alignement like the one for the Voyagers)
  5. Maybe it can be an extension of KCT that already use some of these concepts
  6. I'll try the new science system tomorrow. I think one of the biggest problem of the biome-specific science report is also the shore biome that can be difficult to catch even if it's the most easy to physically see (can't remember of stock kerbin but surely on modded planets). One question: reducing the reports avaible for planet from orbit means that the single emishere report value as been increased so the total science for planet is the same?
  7. I don't know if it can be very precise.I think real costs are more related to R&D, building facilities and production quantity (a rocket built in large numbers will cost far less than a single rocket or few like Saturn V or SLS). A useful mod can be a complete overhaul of the game economy introducing factories, parts manufacter and things like that but it would be a very difficult work.
  8. I already use KER and MechJeb but I'm looking for a graphical indication (like the ones of the satellites' contracts)
  9. Hi, i'm looking for a mod that add an equatorial overlay in the map view to help judge the orbit inclinations. Is there something or the best solution is to put a satellite in equatorial orbit and use it as comparison (not the best in carrer and especially in RSS where you don't launch from the equator)?
  10. Tried to load the craft files from GitHub on the new install with only RSS/RO/RP-0 and their requirements but a lot of parts are missing. Can you write the mod list you used or make a CKAN export file with all of them? EDIT: Installed also all recommended mods and now it's ok
  11. They should be already ok, just set the number of chutes and check the Height Deployment (i lower it to 20km to don't burn them but i don't know if its the best option)
  12. I'll change my mod list tomorrow. For the first launch which tech will be available (will it be the classic sound missile or the first nodes will be already unlocked?)?
  13. To configure chutes go in the action group tab in the VAB and there you can change parameters for every chute (there are a lot of options but you have just to set some of them like Height Deployment and it will set the chutes accordingly). Going unmanned can be helpful because you can go over high g on launch and you can also go lighter (but control that avionics support the mass of the rocket). And of course with unmanned you don't have to return the ship so no kerbal harmed ) (Aren't FAR and Deadly Re-entry necessary for RO?)
  14. To reach orbit try raising your AP with your first stage to 150-200km and then keep that AP with your second stage burning not at the prograde marker but just looking at the AP height. Using so high TWR on second stage can be a problem if you start it too soon (it's much harder to control the AP and the final orbit)
  15. Which mods will be used? Only RO/RP-0 or also FASA, kOS and others?
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