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Matt Lowne

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    Disappointing his parents since 1994
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    KSP is ok I guess

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  1. So I sent an Apollo mission to Slate from the Outer Planets mod, and I captured into Sarnus by engine burning (That was intentional, I always capture into Sarnus with engines).  When I landed on Slate, I reached zero horizontal velocity quite easily using expendable fuel tanks but I ran out of fuel right before landing. Whoops. It has a bunch of science on it as well plus a command module in orbit. The image below should be enough to tell what's going on.


    Edit: I have a lot of mods installed as well. A LOT of them. 

    It would be cool if you did a video of the Outer Planets mod. Maybe this could be the first one.

    Could you please rescue them?

    Save file + entire GameData folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1a-VkeM4vW1p1afaJWP161f7nA2UHyxxF

    1. blanoun


      Praying for your crew, even farther from home than normal.  How many are stranded?

    2. Richmountain112


      I cheated them back.

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