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  1. Please don't bug mod authors with CKAN problems. There's a CKAN issue tracker here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues and an IRC channel, here: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.esper.net/ckan The problem is that CKAN tracks WildBlueTools and Pathfinder separately, though they're distributed in the same zip (since DSEV and MOLE also ship with WildBlueTools, and CKAN refuses to ever overwrite another mod's files). I've updated CKAN to point WildBlueTools at https://github.com/Angel-125/WildBlueTools/releases , rather than kerbalstuff. CKAN should have the most recent one when the indexer next runs (sometime in the next 3ish hours, assuming someone merges the PR by then). @Angel-125 I saw https://github.com/Angel-125/WildBlueTools/blob/master/CKAN/WildBlueTools.netkan but nothing is currently configured to use it. Would you like the update indexer (NetKAN) to use that instead?
  2. I've pointed the bot at github. The CKAN metadata will be updated automatically in a few hours. --- Edit: It should work now.
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