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  1. I've been playing around with this mod for the last little bit, and I'm absolutely loving it. However, I've noticed that a number of facilities do not appear to be working in various bases, ex. the Barracks at Mount Snowey, the Hangars and Fuel Tanks at Area 110011, etc. I checked the .cfg files on a fresh download from SpaceDock, and it appears that the facilities for these instances aren't defined. Is there a specific reason for that? Are they just facilities that are on the list, and haven't been gotten around to yet? It seems simple enough to fix this by editing the statics in-game/through the config file, so I'll be doing that for my own savegame in the meantime. However, I just wanted to point this out in case it was an unintended side-effect of a bug. If it is simply because it 'hasn't been done yet', I'd be more than willing to hand over my customizations and config files once they are complete.
  2. Love the Ribbon packs! I especially like how crisp and clear the Rank packs are. Makes it very easy to distinguish which Kerbals are what rank, especially when they have a lot of Ribbons. Are you still taking requests for Role ribbons? I recently started using Kerbin-Side, and in order to use bases to their full capability, it helps to keep a Kerbal on-site at the bases to use the in-flight 'Base Boss' manager and editor window. I'm planning on building and installing Air Traffic Control/Mission Control towers at each base I open, with a permanent staff installed there to manage base operations. I'm planning on using your role ribbons to help distinguish the Kerbal's jobs at each base. Your existing role ribbons seem to cover all the roles I can think of, except two; I'm hoping to staff an Air Traffic Controller at each of my bases that have a runway (and also give them a headset instead of a helmet for their IVA suit!). An alternate name that might be a bit more mission-agnostic would be Communications Specialist. Another, albeit niche role that I'm hoping to use at each base is a Financial Officer (since Kerbin-Side adds financial operations and office buildings on planetary bases, plus staff). However, I'm still not sure which class a Financial Officer would fit into. Maybe I can find a way to implement custom classes? Another idea that I had, which would be a fair bit more work, would be the implementation of 'role ranks' into the role ribbons, distinguished by gold/silver bars or stars like in your expedition ribbons. For example, Nuclear Engineer could be split into Nuclear Technologist, Nuclear Engineer, and Chief Nuclear Engineer. Love the pack and keep up the good work!
  3. I'm also on 64bit Linux with a large number of mods; my game actually crashes while loading a large assortment of flags that I've added (which come up as textures in the log). If I remove some flags, it loads flawlessly. It almost seems to me that there is some kind of limit to the number/size/etc. of textures that can be loaded by KSP, even in 64bit, before it crashes. However, if uninstalling Chatterer fixes it for you... I don't think it actually adds any textures, does it? Maybe it is all assets, in general? You have all of my mods (plus more). I wonder if this has something to do with Graphics Memory?
  4. Thanks for the heads up - I actually poked around all the pull requests while looking to see if anyone had already come up with a solution, that was going to be implemented in the near future, and so all my values in my 'patch' above actually incorporate all of those modifications. I haven't used Github before, but I'll take a look around and see if I can set up a pull request for my patch up there! I'll also double check to make sure that no other modifications have been made in the meantime. I'll also take a peek at the other USI mods, and just double check the cost numbers to make sure everything is up to date in those, as well (since a few of those containers are also off for certain resource types). To help me do the patch above, I built an Excel converter, so I simply need to copy and paste the lines of the .cfg that defines the tank types and max resource amounts for the containers, and I get a pre-formatted output that I can just copy back into the .cfg file. Each part takes no more than a minute to check/fix. I love all of RoverDude's mods, so being able to contribute back (even in such a minuscule amount) is quite exciting.
  5. After outgrowing the small structure of the PackRat Rover, I decided to give this mod a try! However, I ran into a couple of issues with my first construction - primarily, empty Karibou parts (i.e. lacking supplies, fuel, etc) had a negative cost value, and would give funds on launch. After a bit of research, this bug seems to stem from FSfuelSwitch tank costs needing to be the value of the max resources it can hold for each tank type, which was also an error with Kontainers/MKS that was partially fixed. (https://github.com/BobPalmer/MKS/issues/665) I did up a 'dirty patch' to fix the fuelswitch issues with the Karibou rover parts, by calculating the tank costs via an excel sheet with unit costs I grabbed from the CRP cfg. The values should be correct, and could be copied over to the respective part cfgs. All costs assume that the cost = X value in the parts cfg file was intended to be the 'dry' value of the part. In addition, it seems that the FSfuelSwitch module is overriding the intended ElectricCharge resource in each Karibou part. I suppose one way to fix it is to add ElectricCharge to every FSfuelSwitch tank option, but perhaps there is an easier/cleaner way to do this? As for Kontainers, the change on Jan 18th seemed to have fixed most of the issues, but MaterialKits still seem to cause negative values in all Kontainers, and some other Kontainers and OKS/MKS modules with resource storage have incorrect tank costs as well. Edit: Forgot to mention, the Karibou parts list 'EnrichedUranium,DepletedUranium' as a resource tank type, whereas all other USI mods seem to use 'EnrichedUranium,DepletedFuel', hence the resource type listing fix in the above patch.
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