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    Miming, KSP (Of course), General Gaming, Fishing and Hiking

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  1. Its not a thing on KSP (probably never will). There are other solar system mods, and probably a wormhole mod.
  2. Yeah, Karobnite* I should have also put "recently". The last update was for 1.0.5
  3. I don't know if anyone else has asked you this, @taniwha , but does EPL work with Kerbonite for producing Rocketparts?
  4. I'm sorry to hear this, but at least you can still play it. @sal_vager Thanks for the help, it seems to be working now. Probably just a server glitch for my area.
  5. You may know me on ROBLOX as Sezess.


    I probably won't be on here too much.

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