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  1. Hopefully I am helping more than confusing, but I noticed precisely when this bug seems to manifest: during timewarp, you can accelerate up to 50x and everything seems to function normally concerning EC with TACLS. Once you accelerate beyond 50x, at 100x and above, the bug manifests and time till dead batteries begins to decrease despite full resources/charge. You do not have to be focused on the vessel in question when this occurs either. I have absolutely no idea how to provide logs/code that could possibly demonstrate this phenomenon, but if the developer believes this symptom is indeed related and not a residual issue, I can try to provide as much information as I can. And indeed,thank you for maintaining a great mod and furthering a great game and community!
  2. Nookos, Long time reader/player, first time comment writer. As a huge fan of tiny/intricate probes, this mod is GREAT! Very happy to see the healthy level of dialogue and user/creator (FiiZzioN!) development. Keep up the great work!
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