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Posts posted by tsoj

  1. i would suggest this rules:

    "Our company searches a vehical to rescue stranded kerbals from LKO (about 100km NN). The best pod is that one that has the lowest price to kerbal ratio. You have to note that we never have more than ten kerbals on our spacestation, so thats the maximum for kerbals that counts to the price-per-kerbal-ratio."



  2. Just now, Bob_Saget54 said:

    Well, considering how we are getting another chance to revise our planes, I'll take this opportunity to introduce the Shrike Mk. III



    This craft fixes some of the teething problems with the Mk. II, mainly the poor acceleration, TWR, and poor armament of the original craft

    Guns in intakes ...

    in reallife -> jet%20crash_JPG_475x310_q85.jpg


    Anyways nice shape

  3. 4 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    The combat is started and controlled from the BDA setting menu, all that is required is that brakes are on, throttle at zero and engine running and the craft are either marked team A or B as appropriate..  Once started it's in the hands of the gods :)


    i mean, if he hits for all planes space bar first, you could design "one" plane that is actually two planes (decoupler, double cockpits...)

  4. Just now, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    Indeed it is, and as such i can confirm that I'm much better at devising incredibly efficient ways to shoot planes down than i am at building planes ,  so much so that my entry should be renamed as cannon fodder,  I've just run all of the uploaded entries against it, to challenge regs and it's well outclassed, not suprised though as this is my first foray into such endeavors .    I'll let it stand as it is though.    if the entry list is oversubscribed feel free to pull it in favor of more capable craft  

    yes, i can confirm, especially the platybloty with this four gattlings ... puh

    but im working :science:

    even with an corrupt ksp installation ( crashes at 2 of 9 explosions [not that good for aircombat])

  5. 14 hours ago, TorchedForever said:

    I expect designs similar to the VulcaRaptor will still be dominate. High wing area for maneuverability and reaction wheels for gun accuracy. Additionally, the biplane design maximizes wing area for a given target profile.

    I feel always like im cheating if i use reaction controll wheels on planes :\

    Just now, notsodeadjeb said:


    here is my submission.

    you should remove the "/edit" thing from the end of your link.

  6. 1 hour ago, Galileo said:

    Why would you want to?  If it's a performance issue,  removing the splash effect won't help. 

    I build a ship with stock paddle steamer which are really fast (the paddles). If i activate them in the air then it does not throttle the performence only if it is in the water.


    3 hours ago, Waseemq1235 said:

    Assuming that you are talking about splash effects, as far as I know, there is no in-game option to disable water splashing effects.

    I think that you can do so with modding KSP (editing it's files).

    Do you know where to find resources how to do that?

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