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  1. Ok, first of all, thanks for rechecking it! In the first post it says "Using [x] Science! is recommended, to keep things clear." But the linked Version is for KSP 1.4.5 and does not work anymore. I have ScienceAlert installed instead. The Dependencies are Click Through Blocker and Toolbar Controller both installed in the latest Versions. That shoulb be fine so far. I downloaded KEI from Github btw Maybe theres something in the Log, but im not that pro in KSP console stuff. I can´t upload the Log File here (BTW english is not my native language, sorry for this ).
  2. Seems not to work with KSP 1.11.1. Got no Button. Please keep up the good work on this mod.
  3. Hi, i looked in the KER Plugin (THX to Github ) Well, it´s hard stuff for a c# noob like me Thanks so far, i´ll keep on learning cheers Taxi
  4. Hi, @sarbian Thanks for your help, you saved my day With 2 little changes your code works now! Just changed: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny, false)] public class DrawGravity : MonoBehaviour into this: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] public class Omg : MonoBehaviour and it works fine for me in flight scene Now just another thing, how to display the TWR and DeltaV (total and stage) in the window? cheers Taxi
  5. Hey guys, first off, i´m new to that c# stuff so i want to teach myself a bit by makeing a partless plugin. So i started looking around YT for some tutorials of plugin making but all videos i found are about part plugins I also searched this forum and found some stuff that helped me a bit Well i just want to make a window shown up in the flight scene with a title and some labels for the beginning but i can´t get it to work Here is the code i have so far: using UnityEngine; namespace Omg { public class Omg : MonoBehaviour { private Rect _windowPosition = new Rect(); public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (state != StartState.Editor) RenderingManager.AddToPostDrawQueue(0, OnDraw); } private void OnDraw() { if (this.vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) _windowPosition = GUILayout.Window(10, _windowPosition, OnWindow, "I´m the title :D"); } private void OnWindow(int windowId) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(250f)); GUILayout.Label("Guess what? I´m the label!"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.DragWindow(); } } } When i press F6 i got an error about the StartState Methode. I think it´s coz this code is aimed to a part plugin. What do i need to change to make this tiny code working? Oh btw. any tutorial about partless plugins is welcome cheers Taxi
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