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Everything posted by Anker

  1. Guys, thank you all for trying to help! So I accepted this contract after I updated to v. 1.0.5. After accepting this contract i built complete new station and launched it. Also I tried to set station to a really low orbit (8km periapsis and apoapsis). Therefore I think it is just bugged mission and i will use debug menu. Thank you again!
  2. It is version 1.0.5 complete stock, no mods. Can i insert an image wthout a link? Whatever there is a link for photos http://imgur.com/a/h7j5w
  3. Please, help me! Can't complete the mission "Build a new orbital station around Minmus". I achieved the orbit of Minmus and all goals, but goal "Have your station near Minmus" isn't checked. I looked for information about this problem, but couldn't find anything. Do you have any suggestions why that's might happened?
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