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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by ShotgunNinja
@DarkonZ Thanks buddy, much appreciated. ConnectedLivingSpace provide othet mods with the ability to get info about contiguos internal habitable spaces of a vessel. Im looking into it as it may be an elegant way to add things like 'storm cellars' to the radiation mechanic without messing it up. No need to test it now, i have to add support first but thanks alot. Keep it coming.
@MinimumSky5 Absolutely. Vessels will only be hit by intense solar radiation if they got line of sight with the Sun. But consider that a storm can last 6h. A countermeasure could be a very low orbit with almost 50% shadow-time, avoiding half the radiation in total.
@Jim Meillente The text size is comparable with the stock ui, I used their GUI style whenever I could. The vessel config text is smaller, I concede, but you don't end up using it a lot. The planner text is as big as I could to it, there are a lot of info in it and any bigger it would not fit. Also I want to minimize changes to the UI until I can port it to 1.1. Sorry about that. @DarkonZ Thanks alot! I really need someone testing the interactions with other mods, so if you find someone is incompatible by all means report it Currently I have in-code support for SCANsat, and a MM patch for VenStockRevamp. Other part packs could be supported with as little as a MM patch (mostly adding antennas and rebalancing solar panels) and I plan to add them over time. Contributions are welcome. The first target is probably the Near Future suite (that thing is a behemoth!). I will also look into supporting more complex mods in-code, case by case, similar to how I'm doing it with SCANsat. Right now I'm investigating if I can interact with ConnectedLivingSpace, that may help me solve some inconsistency with the shielding mechanics. On the other side I provide documentation for the modules and some code hooks (little for now, but more can be added on request), so that other mods and part packs can interface with this one. Cheers!
@hatterson Here is a screenshot I posted earlier with all the parts included. There is a short antenna, 2 food containers, an oxygen tank and the greenhouse. I've not reorganized the tech tree by any means. I just switched tech required between the thermometer/goo and the barometer/matlab. Then I use the existing technologies to unlock some bonuses progressively. I made some artwork to explain it better: I will add an album to the OP when I get enough screenshots put together. @RoverDude Thanks!
@Elkram I agree and there is a Hook function just for that kind of situation, DisableKerbal(), that can disable or re-enable the mod mechanics for a specific set of Kerbal. I added that thinking of Deep Freeze in fact
@Apurva Kawthalkar In the editors, click on the Planner applauncher icon on the bottom right. On the top of it you can see labels that you can click to change target body and situation, as well as switch between page 1 and 2. Look for the 'radiation' section and hover on the radiation belt entry to see the average rad/h inside it. Always in the radiation section, there are the estimate lifetimes in 3 radiation environments (cosmic, storm, belt). Look how the values change in relation to the target body to get an idea of it. When a CME is generated toward a planetary system, if you have at least a vessel inside the SOI of the planet (or the moons) you'll get a warning message with the time left until impact. Also the monitor will flash the 'storm icon' yellow. When the CME hit you'll get another message and the storm icon will become red. Speaking of the monitor, I added the ability to assign vessels to a group and then filter them, for the next version .
@evileye.x EVA fuel is already taken from the monoprop in the vessel, and given back on return. I forgot to add it to the readme. There is also a warning message if you EVA out of a vessel without monoprop. I'm also 'gifting' monoprop (among the other resources) to resque missions Kerbals on first contact. The Oxygen loss idea is very interesting and relatively simple to implement, I'll think about it.
@PringleManConditions external to the probe determine if it has a link: distance, occlusion, other vessels relay state and the signal processing from the tech tree. So I guess there is nothing you can possibly do on the probe itself to regain control, as the antennas doesn't need to be extended to work.
@BT Industries From a preliminary look at KAS source code it seems like they are abusing the docking system to implement the pipe, so it should work as Kerbalism consider docked vessels as a single one. If you happen to test it please let me know the results.
@BT Industries It depends on how KAS pipes works. If they temporarely make the ship and the Kerbal part of the same vessel, then it should already work and the EVA kerbal will automatically take EC and Oxygen from the vessel.
@hraban Water would overlap too much with Food gameplay-wise. You could consider food as representing both. Waste is there, produced by Kerbals when eating and used by the Greenhouse. The player don't see it, as I'm use an hidden pseudo-resource (for balance and other reasons). @Nansuchao, @Box of Stardust Every part packs should just work out of the box: pods get food/oxygen, the scrubber and shielding; and parts with modules supported by the Malfunction mechanics will fail. The only thing that may require some love is the antennas (because there isn't really anything one can do to discern the range of an antenna automatically) and to some extent solar panels and other EC generators (that may need to be balanced, possibly). Also parts that somehow could work toward improving quality of life of the crew can get the Entertainment module and a rate assigned by a MM patch (not required by any means, just an extra). Any other mod that add new mechanics or somehow change the gameplay will not interfere with this as long as the two do not overlap conceptually (example: FAR doesn't overlap at all with this, so there is no compatibility issue). At this point I think its appropriate to explain the series of events that lead to me developing this mod.
@aniron Every Shielding unit weight 2T. The player is supposed to compromise between mass and life expectancy due to radiation. You can tweak it like any resources, so you can have a pod with 0.2 Shielding amount for example. To give you an idea: under cosmic-level of radiation a Kerbal can survive 250d with a ShieldingFactor of 0.0 (eg: no shielding at all), and 5y 370d with a ShieldingFactor of 1.0 (eg: max amount of shielding). So to simplify, it cost 2T per-Kerbal to give a vessel the max amount of shielding possible. In the case of a surface colony, if the body has a magnetosphere then there is no need for shielding at all. Magnetospheres act as safe heavens for life. EDIT: during design i considered evaluating shielding for each individual container (that would be required for a proper 'storm cellar' implementation), but then I discarded it because I through the micromanaging could have become boring. Also, there is no incentive to keep kerbals outside of a 'storm cellar' and into normal pods when there is no radiation, so one would simply keep them in the storm cellar all the time.
@aniron I dealt with that issue by adding 1 Shielding capacity for each crew capacity to every part automatically, using a MM patch. Ideally every manned pod added by other mods should just work out of the box. If you remove the shielding capacity from a manned pod on purpose (eg: using a :FINAL MM patch), it will reduce vessel Shielding capacity making it cheaper (in term of mass) to achieve the same ShieldingFactor for the vessel.
@White Owl I forgot to add, if you use VenStockRevamp all his antennas are automatically supported (there are a bunch of very good antennas in its development version on github). @garwel Yes it is compatible with CTT, with this minor exception: that will be fixed in the next version.
@White Owl A link require direct or indirect line of sight with the home body, like AntennaRange. Antennas don't require to be pointed, they are all assumed to be omnidirectional. You can find what is required to add support for a custom antenna in the Modules page on the wiki. Feel free to ask if that isn't clear. @aniron Shielding work like this: each manned part has a capacity of Shielding resource, and you choose how much to fill it up on the editors. Then for each vessel a ShieldingFactor is deduced from amount_of_shielding / capacity_of_shielding (so the more crew capacity you have, the more Shielding you need for the same ShieldingFactor). At all times, every vessel is in some kind of radiation environment, subject to different radiations. These are summed up and then the result scaled by '1.0 - k * ShieldingFactor'. That result is then accumulated per-Kerbal, and when one reach some of the thresholds, something happen (warnings, or death). In the Planner, you can see estimated life time of the crew under different radiation environments. Shielding effectively increase the life time, but Kerbals can stand years at cosmic-level of radiations even without Shielding (its another story for storm-levels and belt-levels). Shielding is calculated per-vessel, so something like an 'hardened refuge' part can't be realized. But you can still plan a lunar landing where the landing module isn't shielded (because you want to avoid the mass), but the orbital module is. And in case of solar storm the crew go back into orbital module ASAP (so it also get 50% shadow-time from the Moon body). This was basically the plan for the Apollo missions in case of solar storm.
@aniron I've considered creating a RadiationEmitter module and adding it to the NERV and RTG. Malfunctions could increase radiation from those parts, nice idea. For shielding from parts... there is a problem, that it is very hard to make that behaviour coherent between loaded and unloaded vessels. (I'll have to re-implement part raycasting from scratch). I have a self-imposed constrain that no mechanic should introduce differences between the behaviour of loaded/unloaded vessels. @Sigma88 Unfortunately this mod assume there is only one star, and that the star has index zero in the FlightGlobal.bodies array. I didn't even knew there were mods that added new stars!
@hab136 I appreciate the feedback and understand why you are suggesting those changes. But that would be a *lot* of work, probably more work than the whole mod as it stand. A non-exhaustive list of problems about that: it will mean ridding the whole codebase with conditions, with serious implication on code maintenability I will have to hook into a pletora of other mods private API, and then constantly maintain those hooks as they change between versions all mechanics interact with each other, this was possible because the code assume all the mechanics are present you can assume half the interactions will disappear if a component is disabled (network effect) stretching the limits of what's possible with MM patches, possibly requiring to forgo MM entirely and do all in prefabs (aaargh!) [moar problems that I can't think of right now on the spot] I'm glad you like the monitor ui. It may not seem obvious from the screenshot but the 'problem icon' show a list of problems, by alternating the icon. Right now in my playthroughs I rarely went above 10 vessels and 200 are just mindblowing The monitor resize automatically up to half the screen height, then it show a scrollbar. Grouping vessels somehow is not a bad idea, I'll think of something for next version.
@KillAshley I use an heuristic function based on surface speed, surface gravity and radius (all normalized against the home body) to determine the magnetosphere/belt properties. This assure the home body has a magnetosphere and a belt. Also gas giants all get very strong radiation belts (deadly!). I checked the results against stock and RSS bodies (using the planner) and they are okay-ish: Venus has a smaller magnetopause but stronger magnetic field than Earth, Mars has a weaker one with no belt and most of the moons have no magnetic field at all, for example. There is no configuration unfortunately, but this has the advantage that it support all planet packs and rescale mods automatically.
@SmarterThanMe There are very few parts included. Here is a picture of them all, you may find them familiar. The greenhouse and food containers are original artwork by forum user 'zzz', I just retextured them and used the tank lights to indicate when a container is almost empty, and the greenhouse lamps for the artificial light mechanic. The oxygen tank is original artwork by forum user 'blackheart'. The antenna is a (poorly) retextured and rescaled version of a stock antenna.
@Errol Good question. Right now the tech improvements make some assumptions about the order of the technologies. If a mod reorder them the worst thing that can happen is that you may get the late bonus sooner than intended. I'll fix it in the next version, removing the assumption on the order.
@VenomousRequiem Thanks! Appreciated
@KvaNTy Well I never played Realism Overhaul but I don't see why the two mods should be incompatible. For RSS, this mod make no assumptions about the solar system features. It support SCANsat directly (adding background consumption). Also it include a MM patch for VenStockRevamp. For other mods that overlap conceptually with this one (like TAC, DangIt, RemoteTech) I can't possibly make it compatible.
@Torih Sorry, the individual aspects of this mod can't be turned off.
About KSP 1.1: this will get updated for 1.1 as soon as I get my hands on it. About disabling part of the mods: early in the design i through about making separate mods, but then choosed to go fully integrated. This was painfull code-wise, but in the end it allowed me to make all mechanics interact with each other and have a common user interface.
Version: 1.2.9 Download: github, spacedock, CKAN Source: github Documentation: wiki License: Unlicense Require: KSP 1.3.0, MM 2.8.0 INTRODUCTION Go beyond the routine of orbital mechanics and experience the full set of engineering challanges that space has to offer. This mod extend KSP by simulating the crew, the components, the resources and the environment in a more complex way. All mechanics can be configured to some degree, or even disabled if you don't like some of them. A big part of the mod is fully data-driven, so that you can create your own customized gameplay with only a text editor and a minimal amount of espresso. Or simply use the set of rules already included, or the ones shared by other users. What follow is a summary description of the capabilities of the mod, and for a more detailed documentation the user is invited to read the wiki. ARCHITECTURE Contrary to popular belief, the observable universe is not a sphere of 3km radius centered around the active vessel. All mechanics are simulated for loaded and unloaded vessels alike, without exception. Acceptable performance was obtained by a mix of smart approximations and common sense. The computational complexity is by and large independent from the number of vessels. RESOURCES This isn't your classic post-facto resource simulation. Consumption and production work for all vessels, all the time, and is coherent irregardless of warp speed or storage capacity. Complex chains of transformations just work. Enjoy designing missions without the luxury of stopping the flow of time. No suspension of disbelief required. ENVIRONMENT The environment of space is modelled in a simple yet effective way. Temperature is calculated using the direct solar flux, the indirect solar flux bouncing off from celestial bodies, and the radiative infrared cooling of their surfaces. The simulation of the latter is especially interesting, and contrary to popular models it is able to reproduce satisfatory results for both atmospheric and atmosphere-less worlds. Radiation is implemented using an overlapping hierarchy of 3d zones, modelled and rendered using signed distance fields. These are used to simulate inner and outer belts, magnetospheres and even the heliopause. Solar weather is represented by Coronal Mass Ejection events, that happen sporadically, increase radiation and cause communication blackouts. HABITAT The habitat of vessels is modelled in terms of internal volume, external surface, and a set of dedicated pseudo-resources. These elements are then used to calculate such things as: living space per-capita, the pressure and co2 level of the internal atmosphere, and radiation shielding. Individual habitats can be enabled or disabled, in the editor and in flight, to reconfigure the internal space and everything associated with it during the mission. Inflatable habitats are driven directly by the part pressure. BIOLOGICAL NEEDS Your crew need a constant intake of Food, Water and Oxygen. Failure to provide for these needs will result in uncerimonious death. Configurable supply containers are provided. PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS The era of tin can interplanetary travel is over. Your crew need some living space, however minimal. Failure to provide enough living space will result in unforeseen events in the vessel, the kind that happen when operators lose concentration. While not fatal directly, they often lead to fatal consequences later on. Some basic comforts can be provided to delay the inevitable mental breakdown. Nothing fancy, just things like windows to look out, antennas to call back home, or gravity rings to generate artificial gravity. Finally, recent research point out that living in a pressurized environment is vastly superior to living in a suit. So bring some Nitrogen to compensate for leaks and keep the internal atmosphere at an acceptable pressure. ENVIRONMENT HAZARDS Your crew evolved in particular conditions of temperature, and at a very low level of radiation. You should reproduce these conditions whenever your crew go, no matter the external temperature or radiation at that point. Or else death ensue. The vessel habitat can be climatized at the expense of ElectricCharge. Environment radiation can be shielded by applying material layers to the hull, with obvious longevity-mass tradeoff. ECLSS A set of ECLSS components is available for installation in any pod. The scrubber for example, that must be used to keep the level of CO2 in the internal atmosphere below a threshold. Or the pressure control system, that can be used to maintain a comfortable atmospheric pressure inside the vessel. In general, if you ever heard of some kind of apparatus used by space agencies to keep the crew alive, you will find it in this mod. GREENHOUSE No life-support-like mod would be complete without a greenhouse of some kind. The one included in this mod has a relatively complete set of input resources and by-products, in addition to some more unique characteristics like a lamp that adapt consumption to natural lighting, emergency harvesting, pressure requirements and radiation tolerance. ISRU The stock ISRU converters can host a set of reality-inspired chemical processes. The emerging chains provide a flexible and at the same time challenging system to keep your crew alive. The stock ISRU harvesters functionality has been replaced with an equivalent one that is easier to plan against, as it is now vital for long-term manned missions. The means to harvest from atmospheres is also present, given the importance of atmospheric resources in this regard. A planetary resource distribution that mimick the real solar sytem complete the package. RELIABILITY Components don't last forever in the real world. This is modelled by a simple system that can trigger failures on arbitrary modules. Manufacturing quality can be choosen in the editor, per-component, and improve the MTBF but also require extra cost and mass. The crew can inspect and repair malfunctioned components. Redundancy become a key aspect of the design phase. SIGNAL An alternative to the stock CommNet system is provided. Theres is a difference between low-gain and high-gain antennas: the former used for short-range inter-vessel communications, the latter always implicitly pointing at DSN. Transmission rates are realistic, and scale with distance to the point that it may take a long time to transmit data from the outer solar system. Data transmission happen transparently in loaded and unloaded vessels, as usual. The resulting communication system is simple, yet it also results in more realistic vessel and mission designs. Tiny hypnotic science-blue spheres travel the link lines to represent data transmission. SCIENCE Data is collected and stored in the vessel solid state drives, instead of the stock science containers. Moving data around the vessel doesn't require extra vehicular activities. Some data can be transmitted back directly, while other data need to be analyzed in a lab first. Analyzing take a long time, happen transparently to loaded and unloaded vessels alike, and can't be cheated to create science out of thin air. An interesting method is used to bridge existing stock and third-party experiments to the new science system, that work for most experiments without requiring ad-hoc support. AUTOMATION Components can be automated using a minimalist scripting system, with a graphical editor. Scripts are triggered manually or by environmental conditions. You can create a script to turn on all the lights as soon as the Sun is not visible anymore, or retract all solar panels as soon as you enter an atmosphere. USER INTERFACE The UI provided by this mod took more than 5 minutes to write. A planner UI is available in the editor, to help the user design around all the new mechanics introduced. The planner analysis include resource estimates, habitat informations, redundancy analysis, connectivity simulation, multi-environment radiation details and more. To monitor the status of vessels, the monitor UI is also provided. This look like a simple list of vessels at first, but just click on it to discover an ingenuous little organizer that allow to watch vessel telemetry, control components, create scripts, manage your science data including transmission and analysis, and configure the alerts per-vessel. MODULES EMULATION Most stock modules and some third-party ones are emulated for what concerns the mechanics introduced by the mod. The level of support depend on the specific module, and may include: simulation of resource consumption and production in unloaded vessels, fixing of timewarp issues in loaded vessels, the ability to disable the module after malfunctions, and the means to start and stop the module in an automation script. SUPPORTED MODS Most mods work together with this one, others don't. Such is life. For a non-exaustive list of supported mods have a look inside the Support folder. Some of the interactions deserve a special mention: SCANsat: - sensors consume EC in background and their cost is evalued by the planner EC - sensors are shut down and restarted in background depending on EC availability DeepFreeze: - all rules are suspended for hibernated Kerbals - the vessel info window show frozen Kerbals with a different color NearFuture: - curved solar panels, reactors, fission generators and RTGs produce EC in background and are considered by the planner PlanetaryBaseSystem: - the coverters will work in background and are considered by the planner OrbitalScience: - experiments data size has been tweaked for background data transmission OPM/RSS/NewHorizons: - custom radiation definitions for these planet packs are provided CONTRIBUTIONS This project wouldn't have been possible without the contributions of an awesome community of people, too many to mention individually. Thanks guys. And special thanks to the artists that provided all the part: mehka: gravity ring Nazari1382: geiger counter, small supply container tygoo7: medium and big supply containers, radial pressurized container zzz: greenhouse, active shield FAQs I may have found a bug Try to reproduce it consistently, then provide me with a savegame that demonstrate the issue. Include log files, screenshots, and reproduction steps. Post the report here, or raise an issue on github. I want to add support for this to my parts Add the appropriate modules to your parts. Check the wiki on github for the module specifications. I want to interact with this mod in code Have a look at System/API.cs source code on github. Raise an issue to request more functions. SCREENSHOTS CHANGELOG
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