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Everything posted by HenryBlatbugIII

  1. The only information I know of about that is that during the PAX East preview, they said they were planning to release those videos "every couple of months". edited to add link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/559802578?t=03h01m30s
  2. I don't know. I'd consider it a fun use of their time to add one specific speed of light effect: a hidden achievement (with a suitably plaid picture of Jeb) that's unlocked when you travel faster than 299,792,458 m/s.
  3. Keep in mind that the speed of light is infinite in KSP1. (One light-second in real life is 30 Mm, but there's no signal delay when you're controlling a probe that's multiple Gm away from Kerbin.) I doubt they're planning to change that in KSP2.
  4. Oops, you're right. I didn't take those possibilities into account. It should be an easy fix; I'll upload a new version once I find the time to test it. Pand5461 already answered this exactly as I would have. Since the mod simulates a prograde/retrograde burn, you could use two burns to make it circular: wait until periapsis and set the SMA to (current periapsis + target SMA)/2, then wait half an orbit and set it to (target SMA). This method will first set the apoapsis to the correct distance, then circularize.
  5. I found the bug. It was in how I was attempting to take into account zero-mass propellants (like EC). It's fixed now and 1.0.1 is uploaded.
  6. I don't use CKAN myself, so it never crossed my mind. I just looked it up, and it looks easy to add it to CKAN. I'll add it tomorrow or so.
  7. Description This mod adds an interface in the Tracking Station that lets you precisely adjust the orbits of your ships. It's intended to assist with creating CommNet networks, e.g. making precise geosynchronous orbits or using multiple relays with exactly the same orbital period. Select a ship in the tracking station and click on the Station Keeping icon in the toolbar. If the ship's semimajor axis is within 1% (configurable) of your target semimajor axis (whether that is a geosynchronous orbit or a different target that you've typed in), you can click the button to set your semimajor axis precisely. The ship will burn the right amount of fuel (using its most efficient engine) to get to the target. This mod does not include an option to set the other orbital parameters, since a difference in any of the other parameters will not cause the ship to drift farther and farther from its intended position as you timewarp. Download https://github.com/swilbur/StationKeeping/releases Installation Simply extract the StationKeeping folder to your "Kerbal Space Program/GameData/" folder. Settings In StationKeeping/PluginData/StationKeeping/config.xml, there are two options you might want to change: RealSMA: Set this to 1 if you want the mod to show the actual semimajor axis of the orbit (distance from the center of the planet) rather than the KSP default altitude (distance from the surface) Tolerance: By default, this is 1%. This is how close you need to be to your target orbit before the mod will let you set your orbit. License CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution)
  8. I actually just finished a mod that does exactly this. Get to within 1% of your target orbit and click the button in the Tracking Station to get to exactly the orbital period you want. (The ship will consume the tiny amount of fuel it takes to get there.) I was planning to post it in Add-On Releases later today (after I get home and get a screenshot or two) but you could go grab it now from GitHub: https://github.com/swilbur/StationKeeping
  9. I tried 1.1.1, but it was so terrible I immediately went back to 1.0.5. 1.1 is just so ugly; the UI is badly resized (some of which is fixable in the flight view, but not in the VAB as far as I know), and the subpixel alignment of fonts is terrible (specifically in the mission time readout and the speedometer above the navball). Because of those issues, I never got far enough to play with the wheels and landing legs much, but my initial experiments showed that they're completely broken. I also keep hearing my friends decry the stability of the new version. I'll try 1.1 again when those issues are fixed. I just wish some of the actual improvements (are adaptive contracts any good?) would be backported to the stable version.
  10. It's not just you. 1.1 is a major step backward in terms of looks. The fonts on the in-flight UI look terrible, possibly due to incorrect hinting. Everyone is complaining about the size of the navball. Buttons with text on them have the wrong size text. Resizing the UI to fix (some of) these issues causes bugs like apoapsis and periapsis markers to end up inside a planet. (Or so I've heard. I haven't actually tried it myself) I suppose issues like this should be expected when changing the engine (from Unity 4 to 5), but they should have been ironed out in the beta. Personally, I'm not playing for now and I'm waiting for tomorrow's devnotes to see if I should hold out for 1.1.1 or just downgrade to 1.0.5.
  11. Well, technically, we all have access to the source. C# is very easy to decompile (http://ilspy.net/), <Removed by the moderation team> Edit: Sorry, I didn't realize it wasn't allowed. My point was: you're correct, it's a single-line change. Therefore, I assume Squad thinks it's better to leave it the way it is, but I wish we could at least change a configuration option to make it more sensible.
  12. Is it just me, or is anyone else not receiving bonuses from To Boldly Go? It's correctly adjusting milestone funds rewards for non-Kerbin bodies (at level 3), but none of the levels have correctly given funds for the first science from a biome or body.
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