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    “We're in the pipe; five by five.”
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    United Kingdom

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  1. OK< Cool, I'll have a look. Thanks. I didn't know about the change logs...doh! Great mod.
  2. Hi, I was after a download for 1.05, this version doesn't work. Would anyone guide me to a 1.05 version please if possible?
  3. OKAY!!! I was being a numpty! I didn't realise there was an actual vent you needed to add to your space craft! I thought it was an automatic effect! Thanks for your quick reply by the way...Looks great...thanks.
  4. Err, how do you install this please? Copy what files? There is no game data like other mods? MACOSX & PGPARTS folders?
  5. Yeah, same here, look for my earlier post & picture on this thread...I've attached fins to the front of the orbiter to temporally fix this until it's hopefully fixed. The orbiter flies well with the fins added. Lots of pitch.
  6. OK, great info...I've had to add an optional extra to your shuttle. I had no pitch at all...
  7. Thanks for your reply; so it is supposed to move? As the real Shuttles did if I remember correctly??? I've found the cfg files but cant see anything that refers to the body flap or control surfaces...? But then I'm not that sure as to what I'm doing.
  8. Hi, Is the body flap supposed to move, because it doesn't on mine? I have very little pitch upon the glide down, and I am unable to perform the flare!
  9. http:// My engine shroud is broken? Any ideas? Thanks in advance! It's ok, I've sorted it.
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